Page 20 of Naga's Ova
She grunts, huffing as she storms off towards the door. Safe to say she doesn’t believe me. She glances over her shoulder as she reaches the doorway.
“I swear to the gods that I’ll ruin you if I discover you’re making a fool out of me.”
“You done?” I ask without turning to face her.
“Son of a bitch…” she growls. “I’m going to find whoever’s threatening my claim to you and murder them.” With that, she disappears out of the room, granting me peace and quiet.
Slyth joins me by my side. “Quite a fiery fiance you’ve got there,” he quips.
“Not if I can help it.”
Another evening approaches, bringing with it another dinner. I shudder at the thoughts of last night’s meal, where I unwillingly signed away my hopes of a happy and fulfilling life. I pace around my private quarters, mulling affirmations of self-reassurance in an effort to collect myself.
Things certainly can’t go as bad as they did yesterday evening. Nothing can get worse than that contract. Who knows? Maybe Vippera will have calmed down.
Sighing, I realize that even if she’s more level-headed, I’m still going to have to present the image that I’m head over heels in love with the woman. I’ve never been an actor before, and I certainly don’t plan on starting now.
In fact, why even bother faking it?
I’ve had barely a say in this entire arrangement from day one, a fact that quite frankly leaves me seething. No one should have the right to dictate my life for me.
I knew growing up that one day I’d have to marry for political reasons, but I figure that at the very least, I should be attracted to my wife. Vippera may be a treat to the eye, but everything else about her just repels me away.
“I can’t fake attraction to her any longer,” I say to myself. “So to hell with it. I’m not going to pretend anymore. There’s nothing I’d rather do less than dote on her.”
I hunch over at my desk in contemplation, collecting my thoughts when there comes a polite knock at my door.
Well, that’s certainly not Vippera.
“Come in.”
The door opens, and in strolls my trusted servant Slyth. He bows to me before closing the door behind him, looking both ways as he does so.
“My good man, can I offer you a drink?” I ask.
“No, thank you, sir.”
“Very well. Do you have a report on Vippera’s movements for me?”
After this morning’s events, I posted Slyth on duty to keep track of the whereabouts of my bride-to-be. I’m concerned that given her determination, she'll find out about my visit to Aurora.
“Yes, sir. You’ll be glad to know that her movements have been normal, nothing out of the ordinary. She hasn’t been down to the prison, nor has anyone but the usual guard.”
“So I see,” I reply. The news should come as a relief, but it somehow does nothing to ease my worries. I feel as though something far bigger is at play. My fear is that Vippera knows something that I don’t.
“Sir, I would not worry if I were you. Barring the events of the morning hours, she’s been touring around the grounds on the normal visitor route.”
“I know you say that to comfort me, my dear friend, but it’s hard not to be perturbed given the reputation of this woman.”
“I understand. I, too, have my suspicions about her. Don’t overthink it. Just focus on whatever it is you must do, and I’ll keep surveying her.”
“Thank you, Slyth.”
“I’ll take my leave then.”