Page 16 of Naga's Ova
The betrayal infuriates me as my eyes meet with the prisoner who started it all, locking us into a staring match. I refuse to look away, only narrowing my gaze at her.
“Why are you looking at me, whore?” she hisses.
“Just what the hell is your problem with me?”
“You think you’re special just because the prince chose you?”
“I never once thought that, don’t be a fool.”
“Whatever, bitch,” she retorts, spitting my way.
Part of me wants to challenge her to a fight just to shut her up. I remember that she’s just like me, an unwilling prisoner, as are the rest of the women in here. I cannot blame them for overreacting in such a way. They deserve their freedom, too.
If only that damned prince didn’t pick me…
The doors to the holding area swing open, startling us all as we rise to our feet. A large, looming shadow approaches, growing larger with each step. From around the corner, Prince Zalith comes into view.
Even stranger is the fact that no one accompanies him. No guards, no patrols, not even that naga by the name of Slyth who claimed to be his personal servant.
Surely such royalty would have a guard by their side at times, especially upon visiting a group of prisoners who want to rip his throat out. What could he be doing here so early in the morning?
He comes to a stop directly in front of me, my blood freezing as though ice runs through my veins. As my eyes meet his, my heart pumps even faster, though this time not out of fear.
Only now as I face him head on, do I notice just how dashingly handsome he is. I feel as though I’ve fallen under a hypnosis spell merely by gazing at him. He studies me, his pupils running up and down my figure as though undressing me with his eyes.
Snap out of it! He’s dangerous!
I break eye contact, bowing my head. Internally, I become filled with frustration, annoyed that I even had such a thought about the man who kidnapped me. After all, he’s a naga, and that alone means he cannot be trusted.
“Aurora,” he says.
I snap my head up toward him, bewildered and wondering how he knows my name.
“You’re coming with me.”
He whisks out a key from behind him and inserts it into the lock, twisting it with a satisfying click. I retract as he takes a step into the cell, grabbing my arm. I wince, my heart rate spiking once more as I anticipate pain.
While certainly firm, I also find his grip to be soft and, in a strange way, reassuring. He could easily hurt me if he wanted to and showcase his brutality in front of the prisoners, but it doesn’t seem like he wishes any harm.
“Come on, then.”
He takes me out of the cell. I wait behind him as he slides the cell door shut and locks it, the glares of the women all directed at me as he whisks me away. Without a word, he takes me down a hallway and directs me into a smaller room.
It looks to be an interrogation room, with shackles placed on the walls and a whip hanging nearby. I swallow my fear and decide to find out why I was taken away from my normal life. I spin around as he locks the door.
“What the hell do you want from me?” I hiss. “And just what do you plan on doing to me here? Carry out some sort of sick fantasy? Is it not enough that I must rot away in a disgusting cell?”
He turns around slowly, raising an eyebrow at me as I rant.
“Why me?” I growl. “I had a good life, what did I do to deserve being imprisoned? And how the fuck do you know my name!”
That’s when I think of Slyth. “Ah, I know now. It was that errand boy of yours.”
“Aurora, I mean you no harm.”
I take a step back in confusion. “What did you just say?”
“I said, I wish you no harm whatsoever. I apologize for taking you captive as well. I don’t know why I did that. Something just came over me at the sight of you.”