Page 14 of Naga's Ova
The group moves to the table with her family on one side and mine on the other. First, though, I follow Vippera to her seat and pull it out for her, trying my best to be courteous to a woman who so obviously deserves the opposite treatment.
“Food is always the best negotiator,” chuckles my father.
“Well, what is there to negotiate?” replies King Tikzorcu. “This evening meal is nothing more than a simple way to introduce our beloved children to each other. I can already see them now, taking our places in the distant future.”
Vippera takes her glass and raises it, snapping her fingers at the servants to fill it up. “This should have been done already, make it quick,” she hisses.
“You see?” remarks King Tikzorcu. “She gets what she wants and fast.”
Everyone holds their glasses in the air. I reluctantly follow and join in on the act of blessing each other with good health before drinking. I cannot take my eyes off Vippera, but not because I’m in love with her. In fact, I feel a repulsion based on her demeanor alone.
No, I’m simply trying to get used to her presence as much as I can since I’m destined to face a lifetime with her company. More servants approach, dishing out roasted taura meat and steamed dripir.
“So,” begins my mother after swallowing her first bite. “It’s an exciting time for both Lodra and Jalma. For a long time, we’ve been looking to unify our territory, and what better way to do that than with this young couple?” she says, her eyes darting between Vippera and me.
I roll my eyes subtly, hating the use of the word ‘couple’ as she talks about us. All through the meal, I can feel the glare coming off of Vippera, at times causing me to shift uncomfortably in my seat. In an effort to ease the tension in the air, I make an attempt to engage her in conversation.
“So, Vippera, tell me something about yourself.”
She tilts her head, her slit eyes narrowing at me in focus.
“Outside of all this diplomatic business, what do you usually like to do for fun?” I want to see for myself if there’s something else she enjoys besides the killing of magic-equipped humans, something that makes her seem a bit more normal.
“I’m sure you know of the games I host in Jalma. Hunting humans with magic-based abilities always makes my day,” she snickers with a sinister smile. “But there’s only so many in one territory. I’m hoping there’s plenty more to find here.”
As she speaks about her love for brutality, I think then of the woman I saw in the village and the presence of something that I felt in her. I hope that Slyth reports back to me with confirmation of my suspicions about her.
The dinner wears on as I engage in unenthusiastic back and forth with the Tikzorcu family. Eventually, the time comes for me to sign the contract. My plate is whisked away from me, replaced with a parchment of paper alongside a quill dipped in ink.
I look around the faces on the table, spotting everyone’s eager eyes as they stare at the contract like it's a piece of meat. An evil smile sits across the face of Vippera, one filled with cockiness and malicious intent.
There’s no getting out of this now.
A wave of regret hits me the moment I put the quill to paper, signing my life away to the wretched creature sitting across from me. The contract is then stamped with the insignias of both kingdoms, then rolled up and taken away by a servant.
“It’s settled then,” beams King Tikzorcu.
“How about some dessert?” offers my father. “We can make plans for the wedding ceremony and get that done, too.”
“Yes.” King Tikzorcu nods. “Given the importance of this union, it must be grand and spectacular. A once-in-a-lifetime event for all to see and marvel over.”
Having had enough for one evening, I abruptly rise from the table. I am met with surprised looks from everyone around but Vippera, who instead scowls at me.
“Are you alright?” questions my mother.
“Please excuse me. I’m not feeling very well.”
I move away before they say another word, making my way to the doors I came through. It’s true, there’s a pit in my stomach that twists and aches with each step I take. I hurriedly head back to my quarters to find Slyth waiting for me.
“Slyth, I’m glad to see a friendly face this evening. Did you carry out your orders?” I ask.
“Indeed,” he replies. “And I agree with your observations. The human woman, her name is Aurora. There’s certainly something very different about her.”
“Tell me more of what you discovered.”
“I suspect that Aurora has the ability to harness and cast magic. Of what sort, I cannot say, but it’s there.” His face contorts into an expression of concern. “But given the reputation of Vippera and her family, I have a feeling she may not last very long.”
“You’re right,” I mutter. “If I sensed it as did you, then it’s likely Vippera will do the same.”