Page 9 of Temptation
“Juliet?” Brooke’s voice echoed up the stairs. “Are you up there?”
“Coming,” Juliet called back, turning away from Orlando. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking now. Didn’t know if he was really hearing her or what he thought about her declaration. All she knew was that she had to get away from him right now or she was going to blow up in a massive way and probably ruin Thanksgiving.
At least he’d had the sense to confront her up here, where no one had the chance of overhearing.
Stalking away, Juliet hurried down the stairs. Brooke was at the bottom, fiddling with one of her braids, her dark eyes serious. When Juliet reached her, Brooke tilted her head.
“Do you happen to know where Orlando is?” Brooke asked casually—way too casually.
“Upstairs, using the bathroom.” Juliet didn’t bother to lie. Lying was more suspicious and she knew Brooke knew exactly where Orlando was or else she wouldn’t be asking.
“Uh huh.” Brooke tilted her head, waiting for more.
“Not now,” Juliet muttered, stepping around her friend. “I’ll call you later.”
“You’d better.” Hooking her arm through Juliet’s, Brooke led her back to the main rooms. London had been trapped by the grandmas and aunties, and she gave him a little wave. He smiled weakly before her Aunt Renita pulled his attention back to her. Well, he’d wanted to meet her family. He was getting the full dose here.
Tomorrow they’d be going to his family’s celebrations—his sisters were both married and his family had decided it was easier to celebrate the day after rather than trying to organize who could be where, when. It was a smart way to do it and Juliet had been looking forward to it with relief that they would be able to do the full celebrations with her family today.
Now she wished she had the excuse to run, but there was no way she could leave before pie. That would be a clear indication that something was very wrong. She didn’t think anyone would come anywhere near guessing what the problem was, but she didn’t want them to know there was a problem at all.
The rest of the day was torturous, but she’d learned her lesson. She remained pinned to someone’s side the entire time. No more bathroom breaks. And Orlando didn’t approach her again. Which she was not sad about dammit.
By the time she was back in the car with London, she felt like she’d run a marathon.
“Well. I think that went well.” London grinned at her before backing out of the parking space. “I think your grandma really liked me.”
“They all did.” Because London was likeable. Sweet. Generous. A little cocky and conceited at times, but that wasn’t necessarily a turn off for her. Sometimes it was even a turn on. He wouldn’t make a terrible Dom. Maybe her mistakes in the past had been trying to make her Doms into her boyfriends.
Maybe what she’d needed to do was find a great boyfriend and turn him into a Dom.
Sitting quietly the entire way home while London cheerfully recounted all the conversations he’d had with her family, she couldn’t shake the thought. She really liked London. Could see herself falling in love with him, making a future with him. But her interactions with Orlando had awakened something inside her —a need she’d buried when he’d disappeared from her life.
Now that she had the great boyfriend, maybe she could have the kink too. She’d been telling herself she didn’t need it, but she could admit now that she’d been wrong about that. Or, at least, if she didn’t actually need it, it was something she wanted.
It wasn’t all that surprising when London was feeling amorous when they got home, despite the massive quantities of food they’d consumed. He was riding high on the feeling of success. Juliet allowed herself to be swept up along with him, laughing as he pulled her into his arms and swung her around, before his lips dipped to hers, claiming them in a kiss.
He was already a bossy kind of guy, even inside the bedroom, though they’d never crossed the line into actual kink. That was part of what had attracted her to him. She might as well admit what she really wanted from him.
Arousal fizzed through her, anticipation welling. She was going to do it. He was already turned on, she might as well go for it.
Releasing her from the kiss, London pulled her to their bedroom.
“What would you think about doing something a little different tonight?” she asked coquettishly as he tugged her shirt over her head.
“Different? Like what?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her, which could have looked cheesy but somehow he made it work. She giggled nervously as she stripped him of his own sweater, leaving both of them topless. Pulling her against him, he slid his hands up her back to her bra strap, his hard cock pressing into her stomach.
“Like… tying me up and having your way with me? Maybe some spanking, like I’ve been a naughty girl.” She purred the words, rubbing her breasts against him.
To her surprise, his hands stilled on her back rather than undoing the strap and he straightened up, looking down at her with an odd expression on his face.
“Spanking? Bondage?” His brow furrowed. “You mean, like that Fifty Shades book?”
Juliet grit her teeth, but she knew that book was the one most people thought of if they weren’t already into kink. And London had never indicated that he knew anything about kink before.
“Yes, like, maybe some rope or hand cuffs and you could spank me.”
Frowning, London dropped his hands down and stepped away from her. A chill ran over Juliet’s skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. She brought her arms up to hug herself, feeling suddenly vulnerable with her shirt off, her arousal decreasing by the second.