Page 58 of Temptation
When they got to Black Light, she’d be able to take off the dress in the locker room and walk straight onto the floor in her fetwear attire for the evening. That’s the kind of planning ahead she liked to do.
Turning around she spread her arms out so Brooke could get the full effect.
“How do I look?”
Hair — pulled back to show off her gorgeous makeup and bare throat.
Makeup — flawless of course.
Boobs — epic.
Overall outfit — she looked damn good and she knew it.
“Totally fuckable.” Brooke gave her two thumbs up, dark eyes still sparkling with glee. She rolled up to a sitting position. “I think it’s cute that you’re nervous.”
“I’m not nervous.”
Lies. She was totally nervous. But she also felt silly for being nervous, so she was going to deny it till the end of the day.
* * *
Rubbing his damp palms on his pants, Orlando scowled as he took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. The little bubbles of anxiety in his stomach made no sense. This might be his and Juliet’s first dinner out to a restaurant, but it was hardly a first date.
So why did it feel like a first date?
He had her locked down, why did he feel so jittery?
There was no logical explanation.
The door opened and he stared.
Fuck, she took his breath away. The emerald-green dress glowed against her brown skin. Two long, dangling silver earrings accentuated the line of her throat and her bare shoulders as the metal brushed against them. Her dark hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, leaving her face and shoulders completely clear of the black curls. Her eyes looked huge on her face, big innocent doe eyes, accompanied by glowing skin and pouty lips that made his cock harden as he dropped his gaze to them.
Everything about her appearance screamedfuck me.
And he really wanted to.
“You look amazing,” he said honestly, dragging his gaze over her body like he could caress her with it. Juliet preened, examining him in a similar manner.
“You do too.”
Yeah, he’d dressed up a bit. Not in a full suit or anything, but he was wearing slacks and a dress shirt that he’d left unbuttoned at the throat and had the sleeves rolled up to just under his elbows. He knew it was a look she liked. As confirmed by the way her lips curved up as her gaze slid over her, lingering on his exposed forearms.
Orlando lifted his hand for her to take.
“My lady. Your chariot awaits.”
She rolled her eyes, but she didn’t stop smiling, and she took his hand. The nerves he’d been feeling had all fallen away as soon as he’d seen her. When her hand slipped into his, he was suffused with a feeling of ‘rightness.’
It wasn’t like all the feelings he had around first marriages had been magically fixed —and he was starting to realize that yes, he really did need therapy to work through that —but he was overcoming them. Because his feelings about being with Juliet were far stronger.
Going out like a normal couple, having an everyday date, was an entirely new experience for them.
It felt right, but it also felt a little odd at first, holding her hand while they walked from the parked car into a public restaurant. He couldn’t help but look around to see if there was anyone they knew. No mutual acquaintances, and no one from their families, but Juliet did run into some people from the industry on their way to their table.
She introduced him as her boyfriend. Not her stepbrother.