Page 53 of Temptation
Who knew that their parents freaking out over a mistletoe kiss would lead to a deeper relationship? Juliet sure as hell hadn’t seen that coming.
When they got back to her place from Black Light, Orlando pinned her to the bed and made slow, sweet love to her. Kinky love, because he had her wrists pressed into the bed to keep her from moving, and he nipped and bit at her nipples until she squealed and writhed on his cock, but there was no other word for the intimacy that they shared. ‘Fucking’ didn’t quite cut it.
The aching intimacy of it made her feel more vulnerable than any bondage she’d ever had.
They did the smart thing and arrived at the Christmas celebration separately, about half an hour apart. Juliet got there first and then Orlando. After their reunion the prior night, it was a lot easier to pretend like everything was normal.
For one, she wasn’t a hot mess of arousal. For another, she didn’t have a plug in her ass and she wasn’t trying to tempt him into her old bedroom. That made a big difference. They were back to their norm of mostly avoiding each other — which was easy when everyone was gathered together and talking and catching up, eating and opening presents.
Poor Amara was subdued and made her way around to apologize to both her and Orlando. Juliet reassured her that it was fine, and she completely understood, because she did.
Thankfully, Christmas Day was a hell of a lot less eventful than Christmas Eve had been.
And that night she went back to Orlando’s place with him.
Something had changed with him on Christmas Eve, after they’d visited Black Light. She felt like he was more open somehow. Less anxious when he was with her. Like he’d stepped over some kind of internal hurdle.
She wasn’t going to question it, but she was thankful for it.
“Aw, you two are too cute,” Brooke teased when Juliet gave her the update over the phone a few days after Christmas. “I bet you’ve been having sex all over the house, huh?”
“This house, his apartment, Black Light… wherever we can get in that’s safe,” Juliet joked. Except she wasn’t entirely joking. Her pussy was getting a workout… not just her pussy either. And she was not sad about it.
She sure as hell hadn’t been this passionate about London. It was wild to think that a little over a month ago she’d been bringing him to the family holidays for the first time and now the last she’d heard from him had been about shower curtain rings. She didn’t miss him at all, which made her feel a little guilty… but only till she remembered what a dick he’d been at the end.
If he was able to act like that, she was pretty sure it hadn’t been true love on his side either.
“I’m so jealous.” Brooke sighed. “I need to hit up Black Light when I get home. Are you planning on going to the New Year’s Eve party?”
“Yeah. It’s about the only place Orlando and I feel comfortable being together outside of our houses still.” She looked up as Orlando stomped into the room, a storm cloud on his face. “Uh, sorry Brooke, I’ve got to go.”
“Okay sis, I’ll see you in a few days!”
“Can’t wait.” She tried to sound appropriately enthusiastic, instead of completely distracted by Orlando. Seeing that she was on the phone, his forward motion had ground to a halt and he stood in the middle of the living room, fists clenching and unclenching by his sides. Head tipped back, he stared up at the ceiling like he was trying to burn a hole in it. Getting to her feet from where she’d been sitting on the couch, she dropped the phone behind onto the cushion before walking over to wrap her arms around him. “What’s wrong?”
“Cameron again.” Orlando sighed, the tension leaking out of him as he wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her hair as he pressed the side of his face to her head. She could feel him relaxing as she rubbed her hands up and down his back, doing her best to soothe and support him. “He just won’t quit. He left another message saying ‘new year, new me, give me another chance, son. I’m your father, you owe me that.’ He doesn’t seem to get that I have absolutely no interest in getting to know him.”
“He said youowe himanother chance?” Indignation rose up sharp and strong inside her. If she ever got a hold of that man… providing the sperm to create a person and then doing a half-hearted job of being a part-time dad for a few years before dipping out in every other way other than financial. Orlando didn’t owe him shit. If anything, Cameron owed Orlando.
Orlando chuckled, and she felt the rumble of vibration against her and the way he sagged, relaxing completely at her lack of judgment about not wanting to get to know his biodad. There might be some people in the world who thought there was never any reason for a child to cut off their parent, but Juliet wasn’t one of them.
She’d been lucky enough to be raised by two amazing parents who had done a great job of co-parenting after their divorce, but it wasn’t like that for everyone. Not every parent deserved contact with their kid, and Cameron sure as hell didn’t deserve anything from Orlando. The fact that he was talking about Orlando ‘owing’ it to him, instead of groveling at Orlando’s feet and trying to find ways to make up for his past behavior, proved that he wasn’t worth a minute of Orlando’s time. He didn’t deserve shit.
“Relax, little rose, I don’t believe I owe him anything.” Orlando lifted his head, sighing deeply. “I’m just frustrated that he keeps intruding on my life and won’t get the hint.”
“Maybe tell him that you understand what he wants, but you’re not ready and to stop contacting you because you’ll let him know when you are?” she suggested. “Then if you never feel like contacting him, you don’t have to. Take the ball and keep it in your court.”
He blinked, as if the thought hadn’t occurred to him.
“That… might work. At least for a while, though if I don’tevercontact him, he might try again in the future. Or maybe he’d finally get the hint since I told him I’d be the one to reach out.” Orlando looked down at her, and she could see his relief that there was something he could do other than sitting around and waiting for Cameron to call again.
He was feeling out of control, that was easy enough to see.
Fortunately, Juliet knew exactly how to get him feeling back in control.