Page 17 of Temptation
“You’re right.” He nodded somberly, and something inside her relaxed. If he’d protested or tried to talk around it, she wasn’t sure how she would have reacted. “I fucked up. Now I’m going to earn your trust back… and I’d like to point out that I’ve already been making an effort. I came to Thanksgiving, didn’t I? And showed up here tonight. You’ve basically got me following you around like a goddamn puppy dog.”
Well when he put it like that…
Orlando chuckled as he tapped his finger against her lips again.
“Don’t look so pleased, little rose. Trust me, I’m going to make you beg before tonight is over.”
Little rose. A reference to the blood rose he’d painted on her skin the last time they were here? She didn’t hate it. Especially because she was feeling particularly thorny when it came to him. Thorns for protection. And if he could work his way through them…
“Promises, promises,” she said tauntingly.
Okay, now she was pushing for some extra punishment. Not that Orlando seemed to mind. His green eyes sparkled with amusement, a sadistic smile curving his lips.
“I think it’s time to remind you who is in charge,” he said. “Bend over and grab your ankles.”
It was the same position he’d put her in when they’d been on Black Light’s stage and he’d plugged her with a plug that had jingling bells and a leash. Part of the humiliation scene. Heat rose up in Juliet’s cheeks and she bit her lip against a sassy comeback.
This was what she wanted after all.
And she’d much rather a funishment scene than a punishment one. Especially because she already knew Orlando could be wickedly creative. Besides, he was right.
So instead of sassing him, she bent at the waist, spreading her legs wide enough that she was able to grab onto her ankles. Her breasts hung down beneath her, the spread of her thighs forcing her tight skirt to roll up, revealing her soaked thong. Orlando ran his finger over the fabric, which was stretched tightly over her sensitive lips, and she whimpered in response as pure heat and need shot through her.
London hadn’t been bad in bed, and he’d even been pretty bossy which she’d obviously liked, but he’d been very vanilla. Very traditional. He’d never made her bend over so he could inspect her. Never made her wait for him like this. Never made her feel this vulnerable.
It was like an instant aphrodisiac and she felt her insides pulsing with heat in response.
“I want to rip these off you.” It wasn’t a question, but Juliet knew he was looking for consent. At Roulette night, she’d made it clear he wasn’t to cut her corset off of her.
“Yes, Sir.” Juliet might wear expensive corsets, but she’d worn a cheap thong tonight. She hadn’t really expected it would be torn or cut, but maybe some part of her in the back of her mind had hoped.
The fabric bit into her skin as he pulled it taut, and she cried out as she felt it rip. There was something insanely hot about having her underwear pulled off of her that way, leaving her lower body completely exposed to his gaze and fingers. Cool air passed over her pouting pussy as Orlando’s hand moved, caressing her bottom and thighs, but now deliberately avoiding her pussy.
The big tease.
Juliet gritted her teeth, trying not to squirm under his hand and gaze, while she waited for his next move.
Fuck, he was so damn lucky to be back in this position and he wasn’t going to waste this chance. Part of him still couldn’t believe Juliet was even willing to scene with him tonight. If he wasn’t flying so damn high, he’d feel humbled by it.
“Such a pretty ass…” he murmured, running his hand over the full globe and squeezing, enjoying the little squeaking sound she made in response. Lifting his hand up, he gave it a hefty slap, eliciting a low moan from her that made his cock jerk. He was already hard as a rock, but he was going to deny himself in favor of giving Juliet everything she needed.
From the sound of it, she’d been waiting long enough.
She could use him and his body while she rebounded and then… well, they’d see.
Orlando was going to focus on the present rather than worry about the future.
“Stay right there, little rose, I’m going to get a little something that should help you remember who is in charge.” Or not so little as the case may be. Orlando went to his bag, which was sitting and waiting for him thanks to the room reservation. He’d brought along quite a few of his favorite toys, including a few things that he’d bought with Juliet in mind.
Didn’t matter that she’d hated him at the time, he hadn’t been able to stop himself from buying them. Just in case. Now he was glad that little bit of hope hadn’t been entirely crushed.
The plug that he picked out didn’t have the jingling bells like the one they’d used at Roulette night, but it was quite a bit bigger. Not-kinky didn’t necessarily mean no-anal, but either way, she was going to feel this. A fat plug often helped keep submissives in the right frame of mind during a scene.