Page 56 of Dark Elf's Good Girl
Another day has come, and yet somehow I am still here living and breathing. I’m beginning to wonder if this is how this news life is supposed to be lived. So far, nothing has come of Calix’s strange threats to take me away to this cabin of his.
I wonder if this cabin truly exists.
It could well be a ploy to keep me living in dread. Aiken told me it exists but somehow I doubt even he has seen it. What business would a good person like him have up at such a monstrous sounding place?
Still, even if it’s all just some vague threat to keep me under control, I cannot afford to take a chance. I’m still not safe here in either case, save for when I’m in the company of Aiken.
If only he was around me twenty four seven, then I would not have to worry.
“I better be careful,” I say to myself as I dress for the day. I brush my wavy hair and tie it back into a neat high ponytail to keep it out of the day during my duties. I smile at myself, whispering affirmations that life will be better than this.
I just have to be patient and see how it all works out.
I leave my quarters and go about my normal morning routine, starting with making tea for the family. In the garden, I spot Lorien busying herself by tending to the gardens. The sight of her smile always makes me feel just a little bit better.
There’s only thing that’s better than it, and that’s the sight of the elf who has my heart. I think of Aiken as I pour tea into his mug, a gleeful smile of my own forming across my face. With a tray of mugs in hand, I make my way into the dining hall where Rhamos and Talara are seated, murmuring between themselves.
“Good morning,” I greet, my smile becoming feigned.
Rhamos peers up at me, a neutral expression on his face that I can’t quite discern. Talara on the other hand makes her disliking of me almost too apparent, as if she thinks I’m stupid and is trying to spell out her hatred for me.
I couldn’t care less though. By now, I am used to her looks and treatment of me. As I set down their tea, my pupils scan the room for the brothers. It was somewhat typical for Calix to be doing his own thing but Aiken always joined the parents for tea.
My eyes run into a glaring Talara, her mouth coiled down into a look of disgust. I couldn’t say it surprised me. She sighs and picks up the mug.
“If you’re wondering where my sons are, Calix is busy in a meeting while Aiken has gone to town. Don’t fret now, I’m sure you’ll get to see them later on when they return.”
Anger boils inside of me.
Just what the fuck is her problem?
“Leave her be, my dear,” says Rhamos kindly before he turns to me. “Isla, the cabinets in the lounge have too many hand prints on them. Be sure to give them a good clean before the end of the day.”
“Yes sir.”
“Do a good job this time,” orders Talara.
I fake a cough, calling her a bitch beneath my breath as I spin around and leave the room. Returning to the kitchen, I take a moment to gather my thoughts, only then catching on to what Talara said.
“So Aiken is in town? I wonder what for, it's quite far.”
I take a deep breath to collect myself before moving on. Internally, I try to ignore the mounting concern that with Aiken gone, it means I’ve no one here to protect me.
Some time passes and soon the afternoon arrives. I’m in the lounge, working on cleaning and shining the cabinets when the door slides open behind me. I look in the reflection of the glass, hoping to see Aiken. I groan quietly at the sight of Talara.
I move to a small nearby table, gathering and tidying open books as the matriarch of the family moves to the cabinet. She squints her eyes, studying its surface. Then comes the grating sound of Talara clearing her throat.
“You missed a spot, Isla.”
I know for a fact I didn’t.
“I’ll give it a once over when I put these books away.”
“Yes, you will.”
I badly want to retort but I bite back, knowing it’s far from the smartest move. Talara takes a seat, immersing herself in a book as I continue cleaning. As I do, I wonder if there’s a better life out there for me, one with Aiken where we can do what we want without someone else constantly looking over our shoulders.
Just then, Calix strolls into the room, winking and blowing a kiss at me. My stomach turns as I pretend I didn’t see it. He takes a seat beside his mother.