Page 39 of Dark Elf's Good Girl
We link arms as we walk back inside. Reaching the dining room, she gestures for me to take a seat. She then wheels over a cart, upon which rests two bowls of steaming bahru, coupled with frisse bread.
“This smells delicious,” I remark, my mouth watering with anticipation.
“That’s because it is,” she quips with a smirk. She sets down the food and an empty mug, filling it then with rirzed tea. “Good for calming the mind during a busy day.”
“Let me help you with your seat,” I say.
“Don’t worry, stay in your seat,” she replies as she reclines into her own. “I may be old my dear but I’m not quite obsolete. Go on then, tuck in.”
Only now in the cool air of the ventilated dining room do I realize just how ravenous I am. My stomach rumbles loudly as I pick up my spoon and dig in, causing Lorien to giggle. Lunch is quiet for the most part, the both of us smiling as we eat.
“Thank you,” I say as I dab my mouth with a cloth. “I really needed that.”
“Us girls have to look out for each other,” she replies.
I peer down at my reflection in the tea, the sight of my face reminding me of my internal struggles. I raise my gaze to Lorien as she looks out the window in a reflective manner. Trusting her, I decide to turn to her for a bit of motherly advice.
“Lorien,” I call to her. “I need your help with something.”
“What is it my dear?” she asks, her green eyes soft with a caring demeanor.
I look around nervously. Even though I know no one is home, I can’t shake off the feeling of prying eyes.
“Do you mind if we talk somewhere a little more private?” I ask.
I expect her to question why but instead she gently nods. Arising from her chair, she gestures for me to follow.
Lorien leads me to her room. Its decor is elegant, stricken with an old time charm void in modern elven decor. Magnificent curtains hang by the window, and incense carries a sweet scent of nabella through the air.
By her bedside is a picture of her in her younger years. She was clearly always beautiful, and even though wrinkles sat in place of her youth, it seemed as though her outer beauty transferred to her loving energy. Even now, she is a pretty sight but carries more of a cuteness these days.
“Take a seat, my dear.”
I sit beside her on the edge of the bed. Things are quiet for a few moments as I wonder how to word my concerns.
“I’m having a lot of trouble inside my mind right now,” I say after a while. “My emotions are driving me all over the place.”
Lorien raises an eyebrow in curiosity.
“I’m going to be honest with you. I have feelings for Aiken, and they are blossoming to be stronger with each passing day.”
She nods attentively, listening to each word with a warm smile.
“He’s always been so nice to me from day one here, and I really feel like he gets me, do you know what I mean?”
“I do,” she answers.
“He’s wonderful and I feel safe around him. At the same time though, I am confused and somewhat guilty because I feel as though I’m betraying Calix, given the fact he owns me.”
“I see.”
“I know it sounds silly and that the choice is obvious between the two. The struggle for me is that if I choose to put aside my feelings for Aiken, I’ll have to live with Calix and do whatever he wishes to do. If I go with Aiken, I fear that Calix will eventually find out. If that happens then I’ll be done for.”
Lorien takes my hand in hers and strokes the back of it lovingly.
“Aiken is and always has been a very good boy,” she remarks. “I’ve been looking after him ever since he was a little baby, and he never had any issues. Calix on the other hand…”
“Not quite a well behaved boy, I reckon?”