Page 25 of Dark Elf's Good Girl
“Here.” He holds out a hand. “You can’t reach the top.”
I stare at him for a moment before I place the cloth in his hand. As our fingers brush, a thrill shoots through me. I swear his smile widens before he reaches up, helping me with the places on the window I can’t reach.
As I stare up at him, unable to stop noting how handsome he is, I can’t help but wonder…
Why am I so drawn to this elf?
I’m sitting hunched over at my desk in my personal office, my eyes running over lines upon lines of paperwork. I read the same terms on repeat, glancing through various types of contracts as I finalize multiple payment plans and approve proposed scopes of work.
I’m a few hours deep into the day but I still have a lot on my plate. This work has become mundane and unexciting for me. At this point, I’m quite mindless about it all.
As much as I do my best to concentrate, my mind continuously drifts off to thoughts of Isla. Letting out a sigh of exhaustion, I push the paperwork aside for the time being and rise from my chair.
“Maybe I just need a bit of air,” I say to myself, making way for the window. I twist its handle and push it open, greeted by a light breeze of air. I look to the far distant horizon, watching the sun hang high above the city. Closing my eyes, I take in a deep breath of fresh air but am interrupted by the sound of footsteps traversing the cobblestone below.
I snap my gaze to the gardens, spotting Isla as she turns a corner from behind a large hedge. In her arms she carries a basket of laundry, her skin red from the heat of the afternoon sun. Her wavy red hair bounces up and down with each step, a magnificent sight to witness.
A handful of clothes falls from the basket. She stops for a moment, setting the basket down before gathering the toppled clothing. Realizing none of my family members are in the garden, I wonder if I should take advantage of the fact she’s alone.
Maybe I can try talking to her, I think with a smile. I glance over my shoulder at the mountain of unfinished paperwork on my desk, the sight of which wipes the grin from my face.
No, I better not approach her right now. Besides, I’ve got way too much on my plate as is.
Despite work calling my name, I return my gaze to her. I find it too difficult to keep my eyes off of her when she’s around. The wind blows my way, causing her hair to flicker with its breeze.
At that moment, I swear I can recall her natural scent of nimond beans and citrus, even tasting the sweetness on the tip of my tongue for a brief second.
Suddenly, the door to my office opens. Inwards strolls my brother wearing an unimpressed look upon his face as he glances at the paperwork.
“Can I help you?” I ask.
“Father requires the completed contracts as soon as possible,” he says.
“Well tell him it’s not done yet.”
“You better get to it, he doesn't like to be kept waiting.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice, now leave me be.”
Calix raises an eyebrow at me, his gaze lingering with a hint of judgment. I’m about to say something but he spins around on his heels and marches out the door without shutting it.
Mumbling in frustration to myself, I stomp over and shut the door, twisting the lock on it. In my annoyance, I’m reminded of the brutal fact that my piece of shit brother is the one who legally owns Isla. Like all of the others before her, I get the dreaded feeling that she may not be around for long.
“I shouldn’t get so attached,” I say in a scolding tone toward myself. “But why can I not help it?”
I return to the window to catch a final glimpse of her right before she disappears out of view. I’m unable to pinpoint what draws me to her but one thing is for certain.
I cannot stand this feeling any longer… There must be something that I can do about it.
I mull over what to do as I take a seat at my desk, pulling the mountain of paperwork back over to me. Mindlessly, I dip my quill in ink as I decide what to do.
I’ll focus on my work for the time being. Later on, I shall make my approach when the others are elsewhere. If I let this linger for too long, my brother will have his way with Isla, and I may not get the chance ever again.