Page 2 of Dark Elf's Good Girl
I pull off my clothes as Allie walks out, and then slip into the pearl corset and pair of silver panties. Swathes of silver fabric are attached to the back of the corset and float through the air when I walk.
I inspect myself in the mirror one last time before I go out onto the stage.
My body is slightly different from that of the other dancers.
Instead of being lean and lithe, my body is curvy and soft. Right now, my breasts fill the cups of the corset, almost overflowing. My wide hips and soft, rounded ass stretch out the silver panties.
My body is my greatest attraction. Because right now, I am the number one performer at the club.
Which is why I take stage one.
I pull on a pair of silver heels and dab my lips before blowing myself a kiss and walking out onto the stage.
My act is simple enough. I start off with the swathes of fabric wrapped around me, covering up my body, while I dance around a chair.
Slowly but surely, piece by piece, I drop pieces of the fabric, so that they float away from me, revealing my body.
There are girls dancing on each of the other four stages around me. Dark elves crowd around them, all hoping to buy a girl for the night.
I haven’t been bought yet. When the club manager realized how popular I was, he raised the price on me to unreasonable heights.
You’re the star darling, a voice in my head says.
I smile seductively as I kick the chair away and grab hold of the pole on the stage and vault myself into the air.
I slide down around it, before stopping in a half split.
I know that, right now, everyone in the room wants me. And they’ll try to buy me. But I cost way too much for any of them.
The fact that I am in such high demand raises my confidence even more.
Soon, the seductive smile on my face is a real one.
I walk around the stage, and as I do, I rip the fabric off the corset, revealing the lines of my back and the swell of my ass.
I see him then.
I think I was conscious of him from the moment I walked out onto the stage.
But I didn’t give him any heed because he was sitting in the darkness.
Now though, as I do another walk around the stage, and then drop smoothly to my knees, in time with the music, he gets up and walks towards the stage.
The dark elf has deep set yellow eyes and black hair that is pulled away from his face.
I am still on my knees, looking directly at him, examining him even, as he takes a seat closer to the stage.
When he turns, I can see that his black hair is twisted into a bun at the nape of his neck.
He settles down comfortably, slowly, in his chair and looks at me then.
I stand, ready to grab the pole again and slide up and down on it, when he smiles.
I don’t shiver with fear, the way I want to. Instead, my face remains smooth and devoid of emotion as I swing around the pole again.
On stage three, Allie has a large audience, and she has removed the corset section of her costume.
I’ve never revealed my breasts on stage before, and I doubt I ever will, but many of the other girls do it because they earn more for it.