Page 11 of Dark Elf's Good Girl
As we stand there, the dim white lighting flickers and then goes out completely.
Now, only flickering light from the stages where the dancers are lights up the space around us.
Something dawns on me then. I don’t know why it has taken me this long to figure it out.
Maybe he is buying me for the night. He has been here so many times after all.
Just watching me.
Maybe he has finally made up his mind.
I take a deep breath and square my shoulders. I look Calix solidly in the eye.
I can do this for one night. I can’t turn this down, because Everin will probably fire me or punish me if I say no.
Besides, if he has already bought me, there is nothing I can do.
It is only for one night.
“Right,” Everin claps his sweaty hands together. I wince away from sweat droplets that go flying through the air.
“Go pack up your things.”
The command is clearly directed at me, and I turn my attention away from Calix, to Everin.
When I look at Everin more closely, I cannot help but notice the look of regret on his face.
This is the first time I have ever seen the older dark elf look anything except gleeful at the prospect of making higher profits every night.
I nod obediently, unwilling to argue with Everin. He treats me well, compared to the other dancers.
And compared to the way other dark elves treat human women in general.
I am one of his biggest commodities, to be fair, so I doubt he’d want to leave a mark on his precious attraction.
That won’t stop him from docking your pay, I think grimly to myself as I enter the changing rooms.
I am wearing my skimpiest clothing – I just got off the stage after all. I want to dress more warmly before we leave this place.
I cannot believe he bought me for the night.
The knots in my stomach have traveled to my arms and back and even my butt. And the knots are burning, sending acid up into my throat.
The changing rooms fill up with the other dancers, who are either finishing up for the night, or going on to their next performance.
None of them miss my dour mood, and one of my best friends, Allie, comes up to me.
I burst into tears the minute her hand – not sweaty, but warm and soft – touches my shoulder.
The other girls crowd around me, and they look on as Allie comforts me.
“I don’t have a lot of time left,” I snivel through tears after I have recounted the tale. “I need to get going.”
“It’s just one night, darling.” Allie whispers, but we both know that her words make up for nothing.
“Yeah, it’s just one night. You’re a strong girl Isla! You can do this.” Someone else pipes up and speaks.
“I can’t believe Everin is allowing this though.” Allie murmurs. “You’re the best dancer here. I can’t believe he’s letting this happen.”