Page 26 of Until Lydia
“Did he?” She looks up at me with tears running down her face.
“Yeah. Why did you throw up on him?”
I pull her into me tighter, not caring about the vomit on her. After this I’m taking her to her house to wait for Krystal to show up with the kids, and then I’m spending the evening with them all.
“My stomach is bothering me from my nerves. Plus, I can’t believe he would do that to that sweet little cub. He was going to raise it to kill it.”
“We need to get you home and changed.” I don’t give her a chance to turn me down. I take her out the back and to my truck. I’ll bring her to work tomorrow, if I let her come in. We had to keep up appearances, so she had to drive in today. One of the guys even got her car from the zoo last night. He left it parked not too far from the safe house and only minutes from the zoo.
We swing by my house and pick up Sully, who I have a feeling will do better with her and the kids than me for a while. When we arrive at her house, Krystal and the kids are already there. Lydia called her brother while we were driving and brought him up to date on everything. He pressured her into going back to Chattanooga, but again she told him no.
“In the matter of Rorke versus Rorke, I find for Doctor Rorke and finalize this divorce as uncontested as the defendant has chosen not to show. I also find for Doctor Rorke in full legal and physical custody of the children. This court has been made aware of the arrest warrant issued for him.” The judge’s voice broaches no argument, but Colton’s attorney starts sputtering.
“But, Your Honor, my client is innocent until proven guilty, and he wouldn’t be on the run if Mrs. Rorke’s current boyfriend hadn’t threatened him.”
“Doctor. Doctor Rorke, Mr. Brumfield. She’s earned that title just like I’ve earned my honorific. I’ve read through all of the charges against your client and know that the authorities are reopening the investigation into the deaths of Mister and Misses Boseman, Doctor Rorke’s parents. I am aware of everything that has transpired so far. As for the threats, I’ve heard testimony and read the reports. Sergeant Whitlock didn’t threaten your client.” The judge takes a deep breath and looks in my direction. “As a matter of protection, I’m issuing a continuation of the restraining order against Mister Rorke and his fiancée, Deedee Chandler. Doctor Rorke’s children will be added to the order as protected persons. Visitation for Mr. Rorke will be under supervision, if he turns himself in and faces the crimes he’s been accused of.” The gavel hits the bench. “We are adjourned.”
And that’s the end. I’m divorced.
I don’t know if I’m sad, angry, or elated that it’s finally over. Eight years of my life have ended with the thunk of a gavel. My kids are now protected by the restraining order. Colton doesn’t have any more say in their lives. My heart hurts that he won’t know them as they grow, and I hope that he turns himself in soon for them. A hand reaches out and touches me from behind, while my attorneys are both standing beside me and waiting for me.
I turn back and Maverick’s hand slides off my shoulder. He and my brother are sitting in the galley to support me. I try to find the tears, but they don’t come.
I’m angry that Colton might have killed my parents. I’m sad that people got hurt because of him. But I don’t regret the loss of my marriage.
A lot has happened in the week since Colton attacked me at the zoo. New investigations have been opened. There are warrants out for his arrest. We learned it was Deedee who helped him escape. His boss, Miles Kant, was killed in prison. Sydney and I finally sat down and had a heart-to-heart. She told me the whole horrid story about her last expedition, and how she was the only survivor after a paramilitary group calling themselves the Brigade attacked her camp. The Brigade serves no greater purpose than their own. She then told me Colton was affiliated with this group. How he, his boss, and Brigade members had massacred a rhinoceros her group was there to film and protect. Then how they had slaughtered her crew. It’s a miracle she survived. Sydney and I cried long and hard and spent time comparing notes. I felt so bad that Colton hurt her, but she told me it wasn’t my fault.
Now the authorities are looking for him, and my brother has insisted I have protection whenever I’m away from Maverick.
I stand and move to where they are. Darrell pushes past Maverick and pulls me into his arms. “It’s okay, Munchie, you’re better off.” He kisses the top of my head. He’s right, I am better off, but what about my children? Are they? Is it better to remember Colton as he was or for him to fix himself and become their father again?
I push away from my brother and go to the one main constant in my life lately. I move right into his arms and let him hold me. I feel safe here. I know it’s too soon, but I can’t stop myself from wanting him.
“Let’s get out of here, little one.” Maverick’s voice is gruffer, and I look up thinking he’s upset, but instead I see fire in his eyes. Desire. For me.
I let him lead me out of the courtroom after I talk to my attorneys. They let me know they will get the finals all put together. Colton’s attorney tried to stop me to talk, but I brushed him off. I don’t have time for him to make excuses for that man.
I roll down the window and look out over the land as Maverick drives us back to my house. Rolling hills, buildings, homes, businesses, they all pass in a blur. As we get closer to Murfreesboro, there are more farms and fewer high-rises. The air becomes cleaner and calmer. The wind blows through my hair, and I realize that I’m ready for a change. My fingers slide through my hair as I remember the girl I was before Colton got his claws into me again.
A major change. I haven’t worn my wedding band since I found out he was cheating on me. I’m ready to get rid of it. I don’t need that reminder. My kids and I will move on. The truck slows and we turn down my tree-lined driveway. When it opens up to my house, I feel a sense of peace settle over me.
“Let’s barbecue.” I turn away from Maverick when I make the request. He always opens my door for me, and as I’m about to do it myself, I realize he’s still seated. I turn to look at him as he watches me. “What?”
“I told you, once you’re single, I’m going to ask you out.” He nods to the porch, where the kids are waiting for me with Krystal. “Spend the evening with them. I’ll pick you up on Friday. Be ready at seven.”
“You’re not coming in.” I start to panic. Does he think my silence was because I wanted space? Has he changed his mind?
He reaches between us and lifts my chin.
“I want to kiss you but can’t right now because I won’t stop with just a kiss. You need to spend time with the kids. I’ll be back. Take the time to heal because you are free.” He takes a deep breath. “You have choices.” He releases my chin and turns to get out.
“You don’t want me?”
He’s around the truck and opening my door for me, but instead of letting me out he cages me in with his body. “I want you so damn much. Listen to what I said. If I kiss you, I won’t stop. Not because I just want your body. I want your heart. I want your forever. I want my Boom.” He steps back and I take his hand. Once my feet touch the pavement, I look up at him.