Page 14 of Until Lydia
“I see how it is.” Darrell’s voice breaks through the sexual fog, and I turn to look at him, knowing I’m still flushed.
“It’s not like that.” I’m quick to defend myself.
“Sure. I’ll let you be for now. But I swear, Sis, one more thing, and you and the kids are coming home with me. I know I can keep you safe at home.” He leans down and kisses my forehead before he turns away from me too.
I stand there in the middle of the zoo thinking of both these men. One I love more than life and the other I want more than anything. I shake my head and let it all fall away from me so I can focus on my day.
I’m sitting in the small restaurant waiting for the contractor. He messaged me earlier and said he was bringing his wife. Sydney told me they are nice and I’ll like them, but I’m a bit nervous. I’ve never met a businessperson in such a casual way.
I look up as the door opens and a beautiful woman steps in with a tall, muscular man behind her. They are older, but you can tell he still works out and she is aging beautifully. He looks over at me, and they start weaving through the tables toward the booth I’m in. As they approach, the man looks around, keeping an eye on everyone around us but still has a hand on her back. You can feel their love as they get closer to me.
I stand when they stop at my table.
“Lydia?” he asks.
“You must be Asher Mayson?” I reach out my hand, and his big hand engulfs mine.
“Yes. This is my wife, November.” He introduces us. I reach for her hand, but she pulls me in for a hug instead.
“When Sydney told us about you, I had to come meet you.” Her hug is warm and comforting. A mom’s hug. It causes a burn behind my eyes and a tickle at the back of my throat. I miss these kinds of hugs.
She pulls back and her hand brushes my cheek with a knowing smile. He directs her to slide into the booth across from where I was sitting. She pulls out the plans, and they wait until I sit to begin.
“I hope you don’t mind me coming along. This house is such a special design, I wanted to meet the family that was going to get it,” she says as she spreads out the plans.
“How about we order something to drink first?” Asher offers, and the waitress moves toward us when he raises his arm. We give her our order, and my gut clenches with nerves. This is the first house that I’ve purchased myself and is what I want. Not that monstrosity that Colton insisted we live in.
After the drinks arrive, we look down at the plans together.
“So, as you can see, Doctor Rorke, we have the rooms primarily done. We just need the interior design finished. You’ll be able to pick your paint, countertops, appliances, and more.” Asher spreads some pictures across the table.
I haven’t been able to go to the house and look inside because he said the place wasn’t safe for the kids yet.
“I can put you in touch with someone to get the pool in.”
“Oh yes! Sydney said you have a young boy and girl. A pool would be so good for them. Our contact will even set up a fence for the kids’ protection,” November says, her voice full of excitement.
I smile at her. “They’d love that. I put them in swim lessons when they were toddlers, and their nanny takes them swimming regularly as their schedules allow.” I can’t help the pitch of my voice because I’m getting excited now too.
“The house design is a farmhouse style, but when November saw it, she said someone would love it for the wraparound porch and the floorplan.”
“I love the style, but honestly, how long is all of this going to take? I’m staying at a friend’s rental currently.”
“Sharon and Sydney contacted me already as references for you. I’m sure Sharon won’t mind you staying there for the next three months. Is that soon enough?”
“Yes, that will be before the new school year. The kids can finish off where they are now and then we can move into the new place before they start school.” I smile at him. He’s extremely handsome, in an older gentleman way. His daughter July was best friends with Sydney growing up. She’s a local veterinarian. I’ve driven past her place a few times while exploring Murfreesboro.
“I’m also supposed to give you this card.” He hands me one of July’s business cards. “Something about you wanted to get a pet for your kids.” He laughs, and I can’t stop my smile. If my dad were alive, he’d like Mr. Mayson. My parents would like both of them.
“Mr. Mayson, thank you so much. Yes, I was going to let them get a dog after we moved in and got settled. My ex never allowed it. I grew up with dogs and think it would be good for them both.”
“Call us Asher and November,” he corrects me, and I smile at both of them.
“A dog would be so good for the kids. Our girls had my Great Dane, Beast, for a long time when they were little,” November adds, and her eyes take on that faraway look people get when they reflect on the past.