Page 83 of Rescuing Barbi
Turning my gaze toward Alec, I shake my head, silently pleading with him. Alec clenches his teeth, his eyes ablaze with anger, while I wordlessly mouth a silent plea.
“Don’t.”I refuse to be the cause of further suffering. I would rather die, but I can’t fathom what thoughts race through Alec’s mind. His love for me is evident, but I fear the lengths he may go to spare me from that fate.
“I know nothing that can help you,” Alec’s voice resonates with unwavering defiance.
Gonzales unleashes a cruel laugh before shaking his head. “That’s what you claim now, but your tune will change. Do you truly not comprehend the agony your woman will endure?” Artemus gestures toward his crotch, his intentions all too clear.
I swallow my revulsion, knowing that Alec will do whatever it takes to shield me from that fate.
I both love and hate that about him.
“Take them.” Artemus gives an imperious wave of his hand. “Put them in the cell and we’ll see how their story changes after a few days with the rats.”
His men seize us and drag us toward an entirely different section of the residence. Descending a steep set of stairs, we enter a dank basement with a single cell at the far end. At the moment, it stands empty, but it’s clear that’s not always the case.
The walls, constructed of thick stone, exude a damp and chilling air. Goose bumps prick my skin as fear settles upon me. I’ve begged Alec not to let them use me as a means to break him, but am I truly equipped to endure what lies ahead?
Fear and uncertainty creep back into my thoughts, setting up residence front and center. However, even in this bleak and seemingly hopeless situation, Alec remains by my side. I find solace in his presence, believing that together we can navigate a path to freedom.
I hold onto the hope that the Guardians will come for us. The moment they realize Alec is missing, they will initiate a search for him. Likewise, when Kaye, Carmen, and Rosalie discover my absence, they will urge Rafe, Hayes, and Zeb to find me.
All is not lost. I just have to believe.
I cling tightly to that slender thread of hope. Until then, Alec and I will persevere, striving to escape, or if need be, endure whatever challenges lie ahead.
The guards toss us into the cell, and the loud clang of the closing door echoes with eerie finality. As the lock snicks into place, fear grips my gut. Yet, that’s nothing compared to the terror that engulfs me when they depart and kill the lights, leaving us in all-encompassing darkness.
Unable to see my own hand before my face, I strain my ears to detect any sound beyond our own hurried breaths. We remain like that, enveloped in darkness, for what feels like an eternity.
That’s when we hear the scratching and squeaks of the rats.
After a few days,Alec and I huddle in the cramped cell, tormented by hunger and thirst. The ever-present dampness seeps into my bones, causing uncontrollable shivering. The silence is broken only by the clattering of my teeth, the occasional drip of water from some distant source, and the scurrying of rats.
Alec wraps his arms around me, holding me close, feeding me the warmth of his body.
“What are we going to do?” My voice cracks as do my parched lips.
They’ve deprived us of food and water for well over three days, or at least that’s my best estimate, as time means little without the presence of light.
“We’ll find a way out.” His voice is filled with determination, like it was yesterday, and the day before.
I nod, feeling the promise of his words, but while I try to hold onto hope, my mind fills with visions of the torture promised by Matilda and her son. I shudder at the thought of what might happen.
After Artemus’s gross display, Matilda’s knives don’t feel that threatening.
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approach. My heart races and Alec tenses beside me. The footsteps grow louder and closer until they stop at the far wall. A flickering light sparks to life, momentarily blinding me as I instinctively close my eyes. It is a feeble incandescent bulb, well past its prime, casting a meager glow in the chamber, but it feels like the blaze of the sun after so much darkness.
“Time to talk.” It’s Artemus. His voice echoes off the stone walls.
“I told you,” Alec practically growls. “I have nothing to tell you.”
“We’ll see about that.” Artemus’s tone drips with malice.
Several other boot steps fill the echoing space. I cringe in the cell, scooting back from the noise while Alec crouches at the bars, his body radiating death and defiance.