Page 49 of Rescuing Barbi
“Backpacking?” My eyes widen. “That doesn’t sound like glamping at all, and when you mentioned camping, I was thinking campground.”
“Campgrounds are crowded and noisy. I want to take you on a real adventure. Disappear for a few days from the world, where it’s just you and me.”
“Well, I’m free and don’t have a good reason to say no, but what about you? Don’t the Guardians need you for something?”
“We’re not on an active mission. Not until Mitzy and her team figure a few things out. Which leaves me and the rest of my team dealing with downtime. If they need me, they’ll call.”
“Then I guess we’re going on an adventure.” I bite my lower lip, wondering what the hell I’m doing. If I don’t watch out, I’m going to fall for Alec. I’ll fall hard and I’ll fall fast.
And with my track record, that’s never a good thing.
But what is life without living free and taking risks?
We walk back along the beach, holding hands and feeling the sand squish between my toes. The sun rises high overhead, sliding down the sky toward the ocean. Time with Alec makes me feel like I’ve been transported to another world. Time means nothing as we get to know each other better.
We eventually make it back to his place, hours after we left. Once back, I hang out on the couch while Alec gathers his camping gear. When he brings out a real backpack, my eyes grow wide as I realize he’s not kidding about taking me into the wilderness.
I watch him pack. He’s done this countless times before, considering the methodical way he lays everything out in front of him. A strange sense of contentment overcomes me, as if this is exactly where I belong.
With him.
He looks up and catches my wistful expression, without a word, he takes my hand and leads me back to the bedroom. No words pass between us. He undresses me in silence, removing my clothes slowly until I stand before him, completely exposed. His appreciative gaze travels down my body, then returns to my eyes.
“On the bed. Now.” He points and I obey without question.
I lie down and he kneels on the floor between my legs. His hands run up and down my legs, then move over my body, as if memorizing every curve with his fingertips.
He takes his time between my legs, using his lips and fingers to make me fly. When I think he’s going to strip and fuck me, Alec surprises me by tucking me into bed and kissing my forehead.
“You are incredible.” With that, he leaves me in bed, stunned and completely satiated.
It isn’t my intention to sleep, but my eyelids droop and I slip away with delicious thoughts about Alec swirling in my head; fantasies of him standing over me, dominating me, fucking me like I belong to him.
In the morning, we pack the Jeep and drive to Sequoia National Park.
“I’m going to call Kaye and tell her what I’m up to.”
“Afraid to be alone with me?”
“Not afraid, but it’s how we keep up with one another. Call it a rule, or a promise we made. No one goes off alone.”
“You broke that rule already.” He flashes a cheeky grin.
“Ha ha. Funny. That’s not what I meant. Hooking up in a bar is okay, as long as we don’t leave the bar with a stranger. If we’re traveling someplace, we always call when we get there.”
“The three of you really look out for one another.”
“We try.” I make a vague gesture. “Mostly, the world is a safe place.” I pause and reconsider that statement. “I mean, apart from the human trafficking rings the Guardians bring down. But mostly it’s okay. Our rules keep us safe, and we always know where the others are. No going home with strangers, or after parties. If we’re going out on a date with a relatively new guy, we text where we are and when we expect to be home. Just little things like that. We have a whole group chat with nothing but our safety things.”
“It sounds smart. Didn’t mean to tease. Did you do that yesterday when we went hiking? Or when you spent the night?”
“No.” I nibble my lower lip, feeling guilty. “Kaye and Carmen are probably beside themselves wondering what happened to me. But I left a note, saying I was going out with you. Honestly, it didn’t occur to me. I figure with the rest of your team providing security for Carmen and Rosalie, you’ve got a pretty good background check.”
“I do.” He reaches over and gives my knee a squeeze. “Better call them before they send the guys out looking for me.”
I pick up the phone and punch Kaye’s number, bouncing my knee impatiently while I wait for her to pick up.
“HELLOOOO! What’s the stitch, bitch? Are you, like, alive?” She pauses to take a breath. “Where are youuuuu? I was about ready to organize a search party when you didn’t come home last night and didn’t call.”