Page 99 of Rescuing Kaye
“Calm down. I’m not going to do it, but I’m interested in the rock star life. And this group home thing is interesting as well.”
“They’re a tight group that’s for sure.” Booker glances out the window, staring off toward the horizon.
We pull up outside the front entrance. Ahead of us, Rosalie, Carmen, Rafe, and Hayes spill out of their car. The four of us join them on the steps.
“Why are the walls so tall?” Rosalie spins around, looking at the tall walls between the estate and the highway. “I assume it’s to keep the paparazzi out?”
“Forest says they’re always trying to snap pictures,” Brady says. “Tried to use drones, but Mitzy let loose a swarm of hers and that stopped.”
“Drone wars.” Rosalie giggles. “I can totally see Mitzy going postal on the poor drones sent over those walls to spy.”
“I can’t wait to see the beach.” I loop my arm around Zeb’s bicep and lean into him, loving the way he feels: solid, strong, and perfect.
Rafe and Hayes give us the eye, not happy about Zeb ignoring their ultimatum to keep his distance from me.
Sorry, guys, you don’t get to decide who I date.
I’m a bit miffed they feel they get a say in who I date, or don’t date.
“Beach? I want to see inside.” Rosalie’s eyes are about ready to bug out of her head.
I get the excitement. I’m interested too.
“Is it true the entire band lives here?” I tap Carmen on the shoulder. She’s been here before.
“Each couple has their own living suite, like personal apartments, but there are common living areas.” Carmen acts as our unofficial tour guide.
“That’s kind of cool.” Rosalie lets out a low whistle. “As for this place… Wow.”
A deep inhale brings the subtle scent of the ocean and fragrant flowers flooding my senses.
Zeb rocks back on his heels. “Told you it was impressive.”
“It’s totally insane.” I understand why this place is calledInsanity.
Carmen, Rosalie, and I exchange excited glances. We extricate ourselves from the men and walk together arm in arm up to the front door.
The distant booming of the surf echoes off the rocky cliffs surrounding Angel Fire’s massive estate, and the sun hovers the width of my hand above the horizon, not quite ready to give up the day.
“It’s going to be an amazing sunset.” Zeb comes up to stand behind me. He props his chin on the top of my head.
“Do we knock—or?” Rosalie looks unsure.
“Go ahead and go inside. They’re expecting us.” Rafe gestures for all of us to enter.
“How long have you been doing this?” I turn to Rafe, intrigued by all the new things I’ve learned about him.
“As far as cooking?” he asks.
“It wasn’t long after Carmen hitched her ride on me, to be honest.” He pulls Carmen to his side and kisses her cheek. “It was lunchtime and for some reason, all anybody wanted was PB&J sandwiches.”
“I love PB&J.” I rub my belly. “But how did that impress them?”
“What Rafe’s not telling you…” Carmen lifts on her toes to kiss Rafe’s cheek, “is that he took over their kitchen and whipped up this amazing meal. It was mouthwatering and ten thousand times better than any PB&J. Didn’t Ash try to hire you on the spot?”
“Yeah.” Rafe rubs the back of his neck. “We settled on the first Saturday of the month and invited all the Guardians.” Rafe holds the door while we all hold back our gasps as we enter the grand estate.