Page 82 of Rescuing Kaye
“It’s part of our salary. Food, medical, and the gym are all employee perks. We’re responsible for bussing our dishes and wiping down the table, but that’s it.”
“You’re kidding?”
“Nope, and I can’t wait to show you around the rest of the place.”
“But I’m a guest, not an employee.”
“We’ll just leave it as it’s included with your stay, don’t worry about it.” I can see the wheels turning in her head, but see the moment she relents and decides to change the subject.
“Since this is my home for the time being, I definitely appreciate the tour. Not to be a buzzkill, but any idea what happens next?” A cloud falls over her, darkening her expression and dimming the light in her eyes.
“You mean the tour? I thought I’d show you Bravo’s bullpen.” Only after the words leave my mouth do I realize that’s not what she’s talking about. It took a beat too long to figure out.
“I meant Scott,” she says. “Like, what are the next steps?”
“That lies with Mitzy and her team and my noon meeting. Once they build out a package, Bravo team will plan tactics and execute.”
“What about me?”
“You get to enjoy waffles.” I don’t mean to be dismissive, but it’s the truth.
“I mean the briefing. Earlier you said you were going to take me back to my quarters because you had a briefing. If it’s about Scott, shouldn’t I be there?”
“Not at the initial meetings. We have certain ways we build out a package for an operation. At this point, speed and efficiency are our allies. I know you want to be involved, and no one means to keep you in the dark. That’s not it at all, but we work best in the rhythm and tempo we train with.”
“You’re saying I’d be a distraction.”
“I’m trying to say that without sounding like a jerk, but that’s basically it.”
“I don’t like it.”
“I knew you wouldn’t, but it’s not something I can change.”
“I don’t mind if you have a certain way of doing things, but please don’t keep me in the dark. I’m scared and my entire life’s been turned upside down.”
“I know, and I’ll do my best to include you as we’re able. In the meantime, there are some things we can teach you that are great life skills.”
“You mentioned sparring.”
“Every afternoon.” I glance at her plate. “Your waffles are drowning in whipped cream. Best to eat them before they dissolve.”
Her role in what comes next will be exceedingly small. Fortunately, she laughs at my waffle joke, and I breathe out a sigh of relief. I got her smiling and she’s not pushing as hard as I thought she would about Scott.
I take the win.
To use Kaye’s words, talk about Professor Scott Parker is a total buzzkill. Although, I’m eager to see what Mitzy and her team have discovered.
After we finish breakfast, I take Kaye to the Guardian building and point out the different teams’ quarters. We stop at Bravo team’s bullpen and I gesture for her to enter the private space where only members of our team are allowed.
“Are you sure I should be in here?” She looks around in awe.
“Can’t exactly leave you outside, and my change of clothes is in here.”
I open the lock to my gear locker, which holds all of my personal gear. Inside is a Go Bag with several days’ worth of spare clothing.
“Now, no funny business while I change.” I tease her lightly. “I’ll be in enough trouble if we’re caught by one of my teammates as it is. Add in hot and heavy sex, and we’ll never live it down.”