Page 8 of Rescuing Kaye
As far as Carmen’s father goes, Maximus Angelo, Nicaragua’s Minister of the Interior, spent barely an hour in a holding cell after our raid on his home. We rescued dozens of women who’d been kidnapped and were slated to be sold at auction. Something like that should put a person away for life. Or sentence them to a swift execution.
Evidently, if you’re Nicaragua’s Minister of the Interior, corruption greases the machine of a political empire that sweeps all that shit under the proverbial rug.
What a fucking shit show.
The fucker may have avoided prison, but Maximus Angelo will pay for his crimes. Guardian HRS will make that happen. Unfortunately, for right now, we’re in a holding pattern while our intelligence team figures out our next move.
As for Kaye, she’s in my mind as I walk back up the stairs and into the townhouse she shares with Carmen, Rosalie, and Barbi.
The moment I enter the small foyer, her choked sob pulls me to a stop. The heart-wrenching noise comes from down the hall. I take a deep breath. Hayes and Rafe’s words run around in my head, but I ignore what they said. I have no intention of fucking with Kaye. I’m here as nothing more than a concerned citizen doing my best to help out a stranger in distress.
Carmen and Rosalie’s rooms are upstairs. Kaye gave up her room to Rosalie and is double-bunking with Barbi for the summer. I set the bag I’m carrying at the foot of the stairs and make my way down the hall.
Sure enough, another choked sob comes from behind a half-open door.
I hate when women cry. It twists my gut and sends me into protection mode. Despite what Rafe and Hayes say, I don’t break hearts. Everyone knows what they’re getting when they’re with me. I make it clear upfront so there isn’t a problem when it’s time to end things. That way, there’s no confusion.
As I move closer to Kaye, the guys’ words twist in my head. Shit, even I wonder what I’m doing. I’m probably the last thing Kaye needs right now.
But what if I’m exactly what she needs?
Someone to listen without judgment?
Someone to provide comfort if necessary?
Someone to lend an understanding ear that comes with no strings? Besides, showing genuine concern for another human being isn’t wrong. It’s the right thing to do.
When I peer through the doorway, she’s curled up on the floor with her back to the wall. Knees tucked tight to her chest, she rocks slowly as a river of tears flow down her angelic face. I gently rap on the door and call out her name.
Red and puffy eyes, her nose snotty from tears, my heart skips a beat, taken aback by her stunning beauty. She also makes me wary of the undeniable pull dragging me toward her. When she doesn’t answer, I move into the room.
“What do you want?” Her tone is cautious but questioning.
“Thought maybe you needed to talk. Or could use a hug?” My voice is gentle and soft. “I’ve been told I give great hugs.” I want her to know I pose no threat, then slide down the wall to sit beside her.
“Go away.” She shifts, barely, but otherwise doesn’t retreat.
“After I’m all the way down here on the floor?” I keep my tone light, teasing. “Should’ve told me before I sat down.” I nudge her gently, bumping shoulders, trying to inject a bit of humor to get her to open up. “But since I’m already here, if you need a shoulder to cry on, I happen to have one or two free.”
“Don’t be silly. You don’t even know me.”
“Don’t have to know you to know something’s wrong. You look like something upset you and I thought…”
“I don’t like pity.” She sniffs and swipes at her nose. “Especially from strangers.”
“I’m not offering pity, sunshine. Just a shoulder. Or a hug. Both, if that’s what you need. You look like you could use someone to talk to.”
“I don’t know you.”
“We met outside. Or did you forget?
“Doesn’t mean we’re friends.”
“Well, Rafe and Carmen are a thing. Hayes and Rosalie are a thing. You and Barbi are Carmen’s best friends. And Rafe and Hayes are mine. Do the math. We’re basically friends by association.”
“What does that mean?” She swipes at her eyes.