Page 64 of Rescuing Kaye
“You’re going to be fine.” Hayes grabs the end of the short piece of rope that connects my harness to the line stretching between our roof and that of the building down the hill.
“Remember—” Rafe goes over things one more time. “Do not grab the rope overhead. You can hold this one here.” He places my hands where they will be about chest high once I’m on the line. “Close your eyes if that helps. Zeb will catch you on the other side.” He gives me a quick demo one more time on how to sit in the harness correctly.
And he’s right. All I have to do is sit.
“Okay.” My hands tremble and fear grabs hold of my heart. I can’t help but feel like I’m hurtling to my death.
“Are you ready?” Hayes cocks his head. “We’re going to help you to the edge of the roof.”
“No, but yes. Better now than never.” I force a smile; certain I look like a fool.
“Come on.” Rafe laughs. Not at me, but with me. “Take my hand. You’ve got this.”
I don’t believe him, but I place my hand in his. It’s nice. Warm. But feels nothing like when Zeb holds my hand.
Zeb’s hand fits. Rafe’s doesn’t.
They walk me to the edge of the roof. Rafe helps me to sit down on the edge. One peek over the side and it feels like the world spins beneath my feet.
Note to self:Do not look down!
I give myself a little pep talk. Like:You’ve got this,andIt’ll be over before you know it, andZeb wouldn’t have you do this if he didn’t think it was safe.
Of course, he and his teammates climb rock walls for fun. I don’t do that and am happy as a clam when my feet are on the ground right where they belong. None of this dangling-in-the-air stuff.
While Rafe holds me, Hayes clips the other end of the line to the rope stretching between the buildings.
I gulp and try to swallow that knot of fear lodged firmly in my throat.
“Now, just hold onto the rope with both hands.” Hayes shows me exactly where to put my hands and demonstrates how to keep a firm grip. “When you’re ready, scoot off the edge. Gravity will do the rest.”
“You realize you’re asking me to literally jump off a building.”
“Yeah,” Hayes grins, “but in a really cool way. Remember, people do this for fun.”
“And they’re all crazy.”
Rosalie and Carmen walk up behind me. They squat and give me a hug.
“You’ve got this,” Carmen says.
“Don’t look down and keep your eyes on Zeb,” Rosalie gives me one final pep talk. “Your Guardian is down there, waiting to catch you. Failing that, close your eyes, but whatever you do, don’t scream.”
“No one needs to look up and see you flying through the air.” She’s right, of course.
I take another deep breath before nodding. I turn toward Hayes for one last look of reassurance before leaning back.
“We’ll count from three to one.” Rafe places one hand on my hip, the other under my arm. Hayes kneels down on my other side and does the same.
“Now three, two…” I wait for one, but Rafe and Hayes lift me up and toss me into the air.
I bite back a scream, knowing I’m going to die, but then a sharp jerk stops my fall.
I’m moving.
Wind whistles through my hair, blowing it back, and swallows the tiny shriek I make.