Page 20 of Rescuing Kaye
“Ah, that explains the lack of over-protective male testosterone lingering in the air.”
“They are something, aren’t they?” Rosalie breathes out a sigh.
“I don’t know. You spent how long with Hayes in the jungle?”
“Long enough. Although Hayes was never overprotective. I mean, he helped when I needed it, but he needed my help along the way. Honestly, we made a great team.”
“Made?” I can’t help but ping on her use of the past tense.
“Make.” She blushes. “It’s weird knowing that’s all behind me. Being here?”
“It’s a bit of a transition.”
“How so?”
“Instead of running for our lives and evading capture, we’re trying to navigate the treacherous waters of who cooks dinner and whether he can open the door for me. These Guardians are strange creatures. Alpha to the core. Respectful almost to a fault. They’re nothing like what I thought.”
“I see that with Carmen.”
“Yeah, it’s hard. And I don’t mean to complain, but Hayes bends over backward helping me now that we’re in the States. It’s almost as if he doesn’t realize I can take care of myself.”
“That’s the Alpha-vibe taking over.”
“Yeah. When we were in the rainforest, it felt like we were on the same page. Same mission. Same objective.” Her sigh is wistful and full of remembrance.
“And now?”
“Now?” She flicks her eyes up and to the right before answering. “Now, he wants to buy me everything and make sure I have what I need.”
“The overprotective alpha.”
“Yeah.” She nibbles on her lower lip. “Is it weird I don’t want that?”
“Not at all, but give him a little grace for wanting to take care of you. Not every man is built that way.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“So, Forest? I’ve heard so much about him. He’s supposed to be the visionary, and financial backer, behind the Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists.”
“That’s what Hayes said.”
“He’s supposed to be some kind of savant.” I’m curious about the founder of Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists.
Carmen says he’s the kind of man who makes you want to be a better version of yourself. She also says he’s reached a near-godlike status among the Guardians but is also incredibly down to earth.
I don’t know what that means, but I’d love to meet him one day.
Looks like I’ll get that chance tonight.
Is it weird I feel a little miffed that Zeb didn’t bother to say goodbye to me? I mean, there’s no reason for him to tell me his plans, but I kind of feel like…
My lips twist, but before I let that thought grow legs it shouldn’t, I focus instead on Rosalie.
“Let me give you the full tour. You’ve got the basic layout down pat, but Carmen neglected three of the best features.”
“She did?”