Page 16 of Rescuing Kaye
He created Guardian HRS. He’s powerful, dominant, very male. White savior complex is something that fits him to a T, but he’s nothing like a white savior.
The man is a survivor of some of the worst brutality I’ve ever seen. Which is where Paul comes in. Paul saved Forest’s life.
He’s the same height as Forest. Not as broad but stacked with muscle. The two of them together are a force no man in his right mind would mess with.
The girls are safe. More than safe.
Kaye is safe.
Not that I like them watching over her one bit, but I can’t argue against whether Forest and Paul are capable of providing adequate protection.
They are.
End of story.
“Earth to Zeb?” Rafe pokes me in the arm.
“You daydreaming, or what?”
“Excuse me?”
“You haven’t heard a word.” He looks at me like I’ve got a screw loose, which maybe I do.
“Sorry. What were you saying?” I have no idea what he said to me.
“A new client’s coming in for the Protectors. Sam sent Chase Lawson up from HQ, but he’s delayed by an accident on PCH-1. We’re to pick the client up at the airport, secure her until Chase can get to us. Or we get to him. After that, we’re free to return to HQ and drop Rafe and Hayes at the townhouse.” Alec sits back and adjusts the passenger side mirror to better see behind us.
“Just Rafe and Hayes?” I scrunch my nose and let the rest of that comment wither and die.
After the dressing down Rafe and Hayes gave me about Kaye, I’m not sure it’s a good idea for them to know I’m in active pursuit of Kaye.
Their comments rubbed me wrong. I didn’t interfere when Rafe went after Carmen, and I said nothing when it was clear Hayes and Rosalie were a thing. Why are their noses up my ass about Kaye?
She’s not a client or an active case. And she’s not a rescue mission. If we’re going to talk boundaries, let’s talk about that. Rafe and Hayes will lose that argument each and every time.
Their overprotectiveness pisses me the fuck off. I shake it off and focus on the mission. “What do we know about our target?”
“Client, not target,” Rafe corrects me.
“Sorry, force of habit.” Our missions generally involve taking down a target and rescuing hostages. It’s in the very name of our organization. “What do we know about ourclient?”
“Sam isn’t forthcoming.” Rafe spits out the words with a twist in his lip. He’s not happy with the lack of information.
“Why’s that?” Like him, I’m curious information’s being withheld from us.
The Guardian Protectors, or Protectors for short, are a new limb of our organization. The Guardians work in six man teams, highly aligned with the way we ran missions in the Navy as SEALs.
The Protectors are solo operators, providing boutique personal protection services to clients seeking something more than the average bodyguard can provide.
“Mitzy’s securing boarding passes as we speak.”
“We’re meeting her at the gate?” It’s the only reason our technical lead would purchase plane tickets.
“You’re on vehicle duty,” Rafe says. “Mitzy will keep up with our progress and direct you to the pickup point.”
“Sounds easy enough.” I’ve got the cushy part of this job. Not to mention, I hate airports, especially getting through security.