Page 132 of Rescuing Kaye
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I grab my things and rush out of my gear locker.
“Because they’re still fueling the bird, and I wanted to tell you myself. We’ve got them, Zeb. We found your girl.” She gestures to the door. “And I’ve got a car waiting to take you to your team.”
“Fuck yeah.”
She steps back as I race out the door.
I’m coming, Kaye. I’m coming for you.
Bravo team moveslike death toward the small mountain cabin; our steps cautious and measured. Charlie team fans out behind us. With them, plus five of the Rufi, Mitzy’s robotic dogs, we set up a perimeter defense no man can pass.
I admit I wasn’t a fan of the Rufi when they were first introduced, but I’m definitely a convert now. It relieves some of the stress knowing the robots monitor any escape Scott and Alder might attempt.
My breaths come easily, slow and steady. I may not be up at fighting strength, but I’m not a complete liability. We did make concessions. I wanted to be first man through the door, but I’ll hang back. Hayes will be first, followed by me.
“Bravo in position,” Brady reports our progress to Command. Not that Command doesn’t know our precise location and isn’t following our every step through our HUDs.
The wind disturbs the needles of towering pines and the branches sway far above us. Overhead, the sun claims dominion in a cloudless, blue sky. It’s absolutely beautiful; in stark contrast to the decrepit cabin sitting in the middle of the field. Nothing moves in the woods, except for the occasional crack of a branch or the rustling of leaves as squirrels scamper through the underbrush.
“Hold, Bravo. Dragonflies deploying,” CJ orders us to a halt as Charlie team deploys a fleet of the tiny drones.
“Holding.” Brady responds for the team.
Bravo team surveys the expansive clearing around the cabin from the tree line. That’s going to make it difficult, if not impossible, to approach during the daylight without being seen.
It’s a toss-up between rushing in now, announcing our presence, or waiting it out until we can approach at night and keep the element of surprise.
My gut wants to charge in. The thought of Kaye enduring another minute with those monsters brings bile rising to the back of my throat, but waiting gives us the greatest chance of a successful rescue.
A small dirt road runs up to the cabin, and a truck parks out front, obscuring our view of the front door. The tracks are fresh, less than a day old. Someone’s here, but we won’t move until we know exactly how many people are inside and where they’re located. That’s up to Mitzy and her drones.
“Three adults inside.” Mitzy sends us the infrared feed from one of the drones. “Two in the front room. A third in the back bedroom on the left. Smaller, presumably female.”
My heart races. She’s alive. Kaye’s alive. But where are Alec and Barbi?
“Bravo…” From the tone of CJ’s voice, I know I won’t like what comes next. “No go for approach. I repeat. No go for approach.”
Son of a bitch.
I curse under my breath, but it’s a good call. It’s the right call.
“Copy that,” Brady answers for our team.
Tex, leader of Charlie team, replies in the affirmative as well. “Good copy.”
“Sorry,” CJ says, “but it’s too risky to approach in the daylight. We wait for night.”
So fucking close.
But I’m a trained operative, and the call is sound.
“Orders?” Brady checks for commands.
“The Rufi are on patrol. The dragonflies will alert if they exit the house. Set up sniper positions and wait for the call.”