Page 64 of Savage Sin (Bellamy Brothers)
“Because I got lucky. I’m an ex-con, same as you, but not on paper.” He walks to the window and stares outside. “I just wanted you to know you have something in common with your old man.”
“Maybe, maybe not. Did you commit the crime for which you were put away?”
He turns away from the window and meets my gaze. “I did. I got involved with some bad people, and it was an act of vandalism gone wrong. Someone got caught in the crossfire, and my only salvation was that the person ended up living. So there was no manslaughter charge.”
“Damn is right. But I don’t think you did what you were accused of, Falcon. Though I was guilty, I don’t think you were.”
“Doesn’t really matter now, does it? Like you said. I’m an ex-con, and that’s going to follow me for the rest of my life.”
“It is.” He frowns. “I’m sure prison was hard on you, but I’ll bet it was a hell of a lot harder on most of the guys you served time with.”
I nod. He’s not wrong.
“You know how to take care of yourself.”
“I do. I paid for that as well.”
“Yeah, you got your time extended for having contraband. You were able to defend yourself with that contraband. You might not be here if you hadn’t.”
“I’d like to think I could have beaten the fucker to a pulp anyway.”
“Maybe you could have. But you’re here now. And yeah, there’s a blemish on your record. But you’ve got a whole life ahead of you. You’re still a young man. I want you to make the most of it.”
“I appreciate the talk, Dad, but where’s this coming from?”
“I almost lost a daughter, Falcon, and because of you, it looks like she’s not going anywhere. When you went away, I felt like I lost a son. I knew you’d be back, but I wasn’t sure you’d be the same.”
I’m far from the same, but I keep my darkness hidden. Being with Savannah has helped that, but it could come out at any time. Dr. Jekyll could become Mr. Hyde.
“People change, Dad. Even if I hadn’t been on the inside, I wouldn’t be the same man now as I was then.”
Dad grips my shoulders. “I’m just glad you’re here. You and Raven both. I’m not worried about you, Falcon. I never was. I never worried about Raven either. She was my sweet little girl. But nature has a cruel way with those who don’t deserve it. You copped to a crime you didn’t commit and got taken away, and Raven got sick. Neither of you deserved those fates.”
“Raven’s getting better. I have every hope that she’ll be good as new. And I’m here. I lost nearly a decade of my life, but I’m here now. I aim to make the most of it.”
“That’s good to hear.” Dad lets go of my shoulders. “Now let’s get on into the kitchen before your mother comes yelling.”
“Got it. Thanks for the talk, and thanks for trusting me with your secret. As I said, I’ll take it to the grave.”
“I will tell you this much as well, Falcon. That year in juvie? I saw some shit I can never unsee. Experienced some shit that will always be part of me.”
I draw in a breath. “I do understand that for sure.”
“You’re a good man, Falcon.”
I feel closer to my father right now than I have in a long time. He and I always got along well, but he kept his emotion on the inside. He was tough but fair.
But if he knew some of the things I had to do to survive on the inside…
I’m not so sure he’d think I’m such a good man.
And if he knew the real reason why that crime happened…
He’d probably disown me—and my brothers—forever.
For a hot minute, I consider standing Falcon Bellamy up.
But only for a hot minute.
He has some kind of hypnotic pull on me. Like the strongest magnet ever—the kind that they use in junkyards to pick up entire cars.
His home is on the Bellamy Ranch property and it takes a little while to get there. I end up driving on dirt roads until I finally come to his driveway with the mailbox marked F. Bellamy.
I drive up the winding driveway, park my car, and get out to walk to the door. “Come on, girl.” I say to Sydney.
I didn’t ask Falcon if I could bring Sydney, but I thought it would be nice for her to have some time with Sam. She misses her pup. Sydney and I make it up to the door, where I knock.
Sydney goes crazy when we hear Sammy yapping through the door.
Falcon opens the door. “I see you brought company.”
“I didn’t think you’d mind.”
“No.” He picks up a squirming Sammy. “And this one certainly doesn’t mind. Come on in.”