Page 3 of Savage Sin (Bellamy Brothers)
“Yeah. No thanks.” I glance down at my phone again, wishing for an email or text or even something interesting on Instagram to take my attention away from Ashley and her desire to get me in bed with a stranger.
I don’t do stuff like that.
Funny thing is, neither does Ashley. Of the four of us, Jordan is the most indiscriminate, but she’d draw the line at anyone from this place.
Ashley rises. “Then I’ll go.”
Oh hell, no.
I stand and shove my phone into the back pocket of my jeans. “Fine. I’ll go. You sit down.”
Ashley drops back into her chair, smiling. Bitch got her way, as usual.
I walk to the bar and sit one stool away from the man in question. I slyly glance toward him.
And nearly lose my breath.
He’s not just good looking.
He’s magnificent, in a rough and rugged way. Wavy dark hair that’s unruly, high sculpted cheekbones, and black stubble that graces a granite jawline. Muscles, too. His forearms are corded and sexy with a perfect smattering of dark hair. His biceps bulge, making the simple white T-shirt he wears stretch around them. The sleeve hides all but a bit of a tattoo, so I can’t see what it is.
The server, who’s now tending bar, glances at me. “I’ll have your drinks in a minute, honey.”
Good save. Gives me a reason to be up here. “Great. Thanks. I just need to make a slight change.”
“I’d like a red wine instead of the vodka cranberry, if that’s okay.”
“It’s fine, but we don’t exactly have any French stuff here. You know, for your friend who thinks it’s cute to use French words.”
“The wine’s for me, not for her. What do you have?”
She slides a piece of paper toward me. “Our wine list.”
I take a look.
Red Blend
White Blend
I can’t help a giggle.
“What’s funny?” she asks.
“Nothing. I’ll have the Merlot, I guess.”
The man a chair away glances up at me. God, his eyes are so big and dark with lashes to die for. Gorgeous.
“Could I see that?”
“Sure.” I hand him the paper.
He laughs. “Now that’s damned funny.”
The server glares at him. “You got a problem, Falcon?”
Falcon? Interesting name. It seems to fit him. A bird of prey—a solitary hunter with speed, agility, and heightened senses. A hunter. This man looks like he could take anyone down.
Already I’m pretty sure I know what that tattoo must be.
“Hell no, Iris, but come on.” He holds up the paper. “You call this a wine list?”
Iris sets her hands on her hips. “That’s what it is, ain’t it?”
“If you say so.” He shoves it back at her and turns to me. “You want some advice?”
“Switch to the red blend. Blends are almost always a better bet with cheap wine. Less expensive varietals are always better when they’re blended.”
“Yeah. I used to know something about wine.”
I lift my brow. “And you don’t anymore?”
He looks down. “Let’s just say it’s been a long time.”
An empty lowball glass sits in front of him.
“Can I get you another?” I ask boldly. “You know, as a thank you for the wine advice.”
“That was hardly wine advice. But I appreciate the thought.”
“Thank you, but no. Three’s my limit for cheap bourbon.”
“What are you calling cheap?” Iris asks.
“Come on,” the guy—Falcon—says. “It’s not an insult, Iris. It’s simple fact.” He rises, pulls a wallet from his back pocket, grabs some bills, and shoves them toward Iris.
So much for that.
He’s leaving.
At least it will get Ashley off my back.
But Falcon doesn’t leave. He stays put, and in a moment I realize he’s staring.
At me.
Her beauty isn’t obvious.
Light brown hair and a spray of freckles across her nose. Light brown eyes and full pink lips.
Maybe it is obvious.
It’s the freckles that threw me off. I see freckles and I think girl next door. But this woman is far from a girl next door. Granted, it’s been a while for me, but she’s gorgeous. It’s the eyes and the lips. And the tight little body with a fucking luscious rack.
I didn’t come here to pick up a bedwarmer, but now that she’s here…
“What’s your name?” I ask.
She pauses a moment, clearing her throat. “Vannah.”
“Like Vanna White?”
“Sure,” she says. “We’ll go with that.”
“I’m Falcon.”
“I know.”
I lift my eyebrows. “How would you know?”
“Iris called you Falcon.”
“Oh. Right.” Way to go, Fal. Foot in mouth.
“Nice to meet you,” I say.
“You too.” She glances over her shoulder.
I follow her gaze to a table of three more women, all gorgeous—two blondes and a brunette. “Friends of yours?”
“Yeah. It’s ladies’ night.”
“Then what are you doing up here at the bar talking to me?”
“I’m…making a change to my drink order.”
“Right. The Merlot.”
“You know? I’m going to take your advice and go with the blend.”
He stares at me, and for a moment I think he’s going to smile, but he doesn’t. “Vannah, if you were going to take my advice, you wouldn’t drink any of the wine here.”