Page 15 of Darkest Craving
Troy stretches his neck as if he’s getting agitated. “You and I were supposed to go down to the beach. Alone.”
“Obviously, I had to do something.”
“To cater to Robbie?” Troy says in a low voice, and I shrug. “You ran pretty fast to wash off my come from your thighs.”
“Would you have preferred if I kept it on?” I gape.
Troy’s brows lower and his eyes suck me in. “I wanted him to see my mark on you, and you deprived me of it because you cared more about what little Robbie would think.”
My eyes round in shock and I stare at him. I’m not used to this kind of talk. “Are you serious right now?”
“Yeah,” Troy growls then averts his gaze. “Fuck it, what’s done is done. I just wanted him to know you’re mine.”
A reluctant smile tugs at my lips. “There are other less traumatic ways to let him know,” I snigger, walking over to Troy and I press my mouth against his. “I’ll see you downstairs.” I’m about to leave when Troy clasps my elbow and his eyes are intent.
“Don’t let anyone make you think badly of me,” he swallows, “we have something special, spidey. And it’s yours and mine, nobody else’s.”
In response I nod. We do have something special. I suspected it from the start, but now I know for sure.
I get out of bed once Charlotte leaves the room and aggravation makes my temperature rise. Where the hell did he come from? He was supposed to stay away.
Sneering, I yank my clothes on, figuring that he cut his little business trip short because he wanted to be with Charlotte. He thought he’d found her alone here, while I’d be up in some skanky, cockroach motel.
Instead, he found the two of us between the sheets and the notion makes me feel a small sense of satisfaction. It’s vague but it’s there, curbing some of the irritation and I drag a hand through my hair, cursing Robbie in my mind before stepping outside the room. I’m about to walk down the staircase when I hear voices frantically murmuring.
Mostly it’s Robbie yacking away but I freeze up when I hear him mention my name.
A bad feeling washes over me and I grip the banister, listening intently.
“So, are you two like a thing or something?” Robbie nervously asks and I lean my head to the side, now able to see them. Robbie is standing up, his back turned to me and Charlotte’s facing him. They’re a little too close for my liking and the only thing stopping me from snapping Robbie’s neck is the fact that we share the same surname.
“I don’t know...,” Charlotte begins fretfully, “I mean yes, we are a thing.”
Even from this distance, I can see the conversation is making her prickly.
“You don’t even know each other.” Robbie sounds distraught. He speaks to her as if she’s his teenage daughter and I’m tempted to punch a fist through the wall and pretend it’s Robbie’s face.
“Things are moving fast, they’ve been moving fast ever since we laid eyes on each other and I don’t know how to explain it but the connection is intense. Never experienced anything like it.”
Robbie takes a moment to stay silent before explaining, “You only like him because he’s a bad boy and you confuse the excitement with feelings.”
“It’s more than that.” Charlotte sounds a little angry now. “Robbie, he tattooed my face on his chest today.”
“That’s not cute, that’s sick.”
Charlotte lets out a flighty laugh. “That’s Troy. He’s just like that. Impulsive.”
“Yeah, and it’s his worst trait. Fuck, I don’t like what I’m hearing.” Robbie drags his fingers through his hair. “You deserve more than Troy can give you, Chuck. He’s so below you in every way.”
Grimacing, Charlotte glares at Robbie with dislike. “You sound like such a snob, right now.” She sighs. “And I don’t mind that he’s different than us, I like helping him...”
“So, he’s a project?”
Bile rises in my throat but then Charlotte gasps.