Page 1 of Darkest Craving
So, this is where cousin Robbie has been hiding out all this time.
A beach house and I was expecting it to be a dump, but I’m pleasantly surprised. There are green plants on the porch and a beige welcome mat in front of the door. My brows rise, because this is looking pretty homey and I can already see myself settling in.
Grabbing a firmer hold of my backpack, I ring the doorbell.
Ding, dong...
The sound is annoyingly chipper and I rub the ridge of my brow, waiting patiently for him to open up but he seems to be taking his time. When there’s no response, I look through the windows, trying to catch any movement but it’s dead silent. The TV isn’t on and neither is the radio.
My skin starts crawling from irritation and I drag a deep breath, trying to get that infamous temper under control but I’m feeling it slipping. Letting out a curse, I yank my phone out of my pocket and call Robbie. He answers after around four ringtones.
“Where are you?” I growl. “I’m standing outside your house like a little bitch and you’re nowhere to be seen, asshole.”
Robbie lugs a breath. “Troy, calm down. Remember, this is me doing you a favor.”
And doesn’t he love to rub it in my face...he’s already getting on my nerves. Just the sound of his preppy voice is enough to make me on edge.
I clutch the phone. “Then open the fucking door and let me inside.”
“About that...,” Robbie says nervously and with that, my patience drains, “there’s been a change of plans.”
“What change?” I snap.
“I had to leave for a business trip and won’t be back in a couple of days. I know I should’ve told you earlier but I figured you could just book a room, until I get back.”
Anger makes my nape heat. “You’re such a fucking pussy, Robbie, you know that?” I growl and he hisses,
“Hey! I’m the only one in the family who still has your back. After that Grand Theft Auto shit you pulled, you should be grateful I’m still on your side.”
Black spots dance before my eyes and I drag a hand down my face to calm down. I was released from detention a few days ago and I have no intentions of going back. Hanging up on Robbie, I look around at the nice neighborhood.
It’s an organized, little street with rows of two story houses. An uptight, all American place.
Most people are at work right now, aside from a couple of housewives doing Pilates in their living rooms.
Nobody’s watching.
And Robbie owes me this. I’ve done a ton of favors for him in my lifetime, beat up bullies when his own father and brothers couldn’t be bothered, taught him how to fight, how to change the car oil and ride dirt bikes.
The least he can do is let me stay at his place for a couple of days, until I get my life in order.
Frowning, I contemplate it for a moment then end up taking off my hoodie and wrapping it around my fist. I throw one look over the shoulder to make sure nobody’s watching, before punching a hole through the small window on the door.
I let out a curse, unwrapping the hoodie to check for blood but there is none, and I sneak my hand through the hole then unlock the door. Crossing the threshold, I inhale the fresh air of furniture polish and something else...sultry perfume maybe.
Robbie did mention he lives with some random chick, but she’s visiting family for the whole week. And I’ll be out of here before either she or Robbie gets back. Putting my backpack down on the floor, I walk farther down the hall, rolling my eyes at the cliché beach inspired interior but the couch looks comfy. Think I’ll feel right at home and I stretch my neck side to side, feeling the tension ease.
Ah...feels kinda good to take over Robbie’s life, even if it’s for a fleeting moment.
Rubbing my nape, I walk into the kitchen when my stomach churns. I’m so damn hungry, praying there’ll be something in the fridge and I open it up, pleased to see it stocked. I take out pretty much everything in sight, make myself a load of sandwiches then move on to ice cream with chocolate sauce.
I’m groaning, stuffing my face but the food at the detention center was the vilest thing I’ve ever eaten and I’m not usually picky. This though...this is pure heaven and I lean against the kitchen island, opening up a can of Coke then chug the sweet liquid down my throat. Licking my lips, I contemplate whether to move on to that plate full of fudgy brownies or that bag of popcorn when I see a girl walking up the street.