Page 58 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll
“There’s just one thing,” I say.
“Oh?” replies Brilyk. “And what’s that?”
“You are both wearing far too many clothes.”
He stands up and starts shedding his attire. “Well, that’s easily solved.”
Ihokha does the same and I look from one side of the bed to the other, at the hard, handsome elves now naked as they stand there, smiling down at me.
“Come to me,” I say, desperate to feel their bodies next to mine. Eagerly they lie down either side of me and I delight in feeling their skin against mine, their hard, throbbing cocks against me as they kiss and stroke me, Brilyk to the front of me, Ihokha behind and it’s almost overwhelming.
“So, you can handle us both, huh?” Ihokha says, sliding his hand between my legs and smearing the wetness between my cheeks. I gasp as his finger presses at my rear entrance, gently circling it.
“Our Ellie can handle anything,” Brilyk says as he kisses me.
“Is that true?” Ihokha whispers against my ear, his fingers slipping with ease across me, teasing both of my entrances and I’m not sure what to say but know that I am willing to do anything with these two.
Brilyk pulls me closer and hooks my leg over his, sliding between my legs and before I know it, he’s inside me, his cock stroking me gently in all the right places. Meanwhile, Ihokha and his magic hands are at my backside, palming my cheeks, running his fingers between them and then…
“Oh, gods!” I let out a strangled moan as Ihokha’s length is notched against my entrance as he inches his way in. The pleasure is almost divine, as they own me, and I’m so full of the men I love it almost brings me to tears.
They move gently, and in perfect unison, another reason that confirms we are meant to be together in this way. As they drag their cocks against my walls, all I can do is lay there and be consumed by them, the feeling so intense it’s mind-blowing.
We writhe together, hot and sticky with sweat, joined as one, experiencing for the first time what our life together could be like. There’s no questioning, no jealousy, no confusion—just the three of us. Just me in the middle of these perfect specimens that prove by the day how much they care for me.
“Perfect, Ellie,” Ihokha whispers against the side of my head as he thrusts into me, pulling my nipple through his fingers. “We’ll make you feel so good, all of the time.”
“Yes” I breathe, reaching back for him as Brilyk claims my mouth.
This time the feeling is different, the waves starting where Ihokha works his cock into me, a sensation so rich and deep it surprises me and almost takes my breath away. It travels around to where Brilyk is thrusting and I moan over and over as the pleasure takes me, spilling over into ecstasy as I pulse around their cocks, drawing moans and growls from them as they too join me in bliss.
“Fuck!” Brilyk cries as he empties himself into me, Ihokha following as I’m filled to the brim with them, my body struggling to contain all of the pleasure and all of their seed.
They wrap their arms around me as we ride the waves of pleasure together, and I’ve never felt so good, so safe. So happy.
At long last some semblance of decency has fallen upon Infnore, now that Fohri is no longer leading the helm and that, along with Brilyk and Ellie, I have been able to work on instating a new way of doing things.
It has not been easy, but nothing is, not when it comes to fighting for the life that you want. Yet I have never been happier, and this has only amplified seeing that the two people who I care most about are as well.
The weeks following theuntimelydeath of my brother have been busy, the council agreeing to allow me to maintain this land, provided that any future insurrections are dealt with accordingly. Fohri, it seems, will not be missed by any of us, the council included, his reputation preceding him. One that killed him in the end.
As I stand here in the garden waiting for Brilyk, a sense of deep contentment fills me, though there are still a few niggles of nervousness that pool in my belly.
“Have you got it?” I ask when he appears, a very satisfied smile on his face.
“I have,” he says, tapping at the front pocket of his tunic.
“Well, what are you waiting for, man? Let me see it,” I say, the nerves obviously starting to get the better of me.
“Looks like someone is feeling the pressure,” Brilyk says, his mouth quirking into a smile.
“Nonsense! I just want to make sure everything is right,” I assure him, though he can probably tell I’m not telling the whole of the truth.
“Calm down, everything is going to be perfect,” he says, taking a ring from his pocket and holding it out for me to inspect.