Page 55 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll
As fulfilling as it feels to see victory has come into our hands, I care more about Ellie whose lifeforce slips away with each passing second. “Gavarn! Gather the other leaders and begin cleaning this place up!”
“Yes sir!”
“Brilyk,” groans Ihokha. “Carry Ellie up to my rooms, we'll get space away from everyone in there.”
“I’ll follow you,” I reply before turning to the rebels. “I need a healer, urgently!”
I follow behind Ihokha as he leads the way through the hallways and corridors of the castle. With each turn, the color in his skin fades as his breathing becomes heavier. He falls to one knee, gasping in pain.
“Take it easy,” I say urgently. “I’ll take the lead, you stick close and tell me the directions.”
“I’m fine,” he mutters.
“No you’re not,” I snap. You’re dealing with an open wound, we need it tended to as soon as possible. Can we get a fucking healer already!”
We reach his room where I gently lay down Ellie on his bed. I pull out my handkerchief just as Ihokha limps in through the door. I’m wiping away the blood from her body just as two healers enter behind the surviving Renziu brother.
One immediately comes to Ellie’s opposite side, checking her pulse as the other healer tends to Ihokha. “I’ve got her from here, give me some space,” says the healer across from me.
Reluctantly, I retract and take a few steps back from Ellie, my eyes remaining glued on her. Only at the sound of a wincing Ihokha do I turn away. I watch as the other healer uses his magic to close up his wounds, restoring the destroyed skin.
“Son of a bitch,” groans Ihokha.
“There, you’re all good now.”
“Thank the gods.”
The healer rushes to join his colleague, kneeling where I once stood by Ellie’s side. Ihokha rises up with newfound strength, taking a place beside me as we watch on in anticipation.
“Is she going to be alright?” I ask.
“Hard to determine that at this point,” says one of the men. “She’s lost a lot of blood.”
“Fuck,” mutters Ihokha.
“I’ve got her stabilized,” says the other healer. “Her breathing is back to normal.”
Each second passes by like a minute, with Ihokha and I watching on while praying to the gods for Ellie’s survival.
“Please, please, please…” I groan.
Ihokha lays his hand on my shoulder. “She’s strong. She survived my brother, so she can survive anything.”
“I just want to see her open her eyes, I need to hear her voice,” I say with a broken voice.
“Me too,” says Ihokha reassuringly. “But we have to let the healers do their thing. She’s stabilized but we must remain vigilant.”
All the while, I completely forget about the fact my rebellion is a success. Outside, the men are cheering and rejoicing in victory but there’s no space in my mind for celebration. All I care about right now is Ellie’s survival.
* * *
I rush through the halls,pushing past zagfer and guards as I make my way to Ihokha’s room. The once blood-soaked corridors have now been cleaned and restored in the week that has passed since our victory.
Still, I have not yet taken the time to celebrate, even at the encouragement of my fellow rebels. All that I can think about is Ellie, to see her beautiful eyes again, to see her looking back at me with love.
I had sat about the castle all week, taking turns with Ihokha in watching over her. Like me, he cannot stand the idea of her being left alone. Anxious hours turned into days, seven of which have passed since the healers put her into a magic induced coma.
“It will help to speed up her healing,” they told us.