Page 49 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll
“No,” I mutter. “How the fuck could he have…?”
“That’s not all,” continues Gavarn. “Our spies at the estate have sent word that Fohri’s back at the manor, he arrived half an hour ago.”
“No, no, no!” I yell, grabbing tufts of my hair. “This wasn’t how it was supposed to go! Ellie is still in there!”
“Get a hold of yourself,” commands Gavarn, grabbing my shoulders.
“We need to rally the men immediately!” I snap. “The rebellion cannot afford to linger around any longer. We’re going to have to go with a full frontal assault!”
Gavarn lets go of me, slowly nodding. “Aye, I thought as much,” he says. “The men are hiding in our most secret hideout but they are ready to move at my command.”
“Lead the way then, we need to gear up for battle.”
I follow him deeper into the alleyway, coming to a large dumpster. Together, Gavarn and I push it out of the way, revealing a hole in the wall behind it. Stooping down, we crawl through a small and narrow tunnel, leading into a room where all other members of the rebellion are waiting for us.
“Gentlemen!” announces Gavarn. “The time has come. Stealth hasn’t worked out for us, so it leaves us with no other choice but to go in charging through the gates of the estate.”
The members begin murmuring amongst themselves.
“I know this may come across as concerning to some of you. Some of us will die but I can assure you that the deaths of fallen brothers will not be in vain! We will take the manor, the estate, and all of Infnore with it! To freedom from tyranny!”
The men burst into an uproar, their cries of war terrifying enough to make the walls around us shake.
“One more thing,” says Gavarn, pointing at me. “Brilyk here has been our handyman for intelligence inside the estate, living and working deep within the enemy lines for years. He knows these grounds best and has given us all that we know about the Renziu residence. In turn, he will be leading the charge!”
As the rebels cheer for me, I salute Gavarn. “Thank you brother.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” he chuckles. “But you can get me a drink when this is all over.”
The rebels and I waste no time sharpening our arsenal and equipping sets of heavy armor, all of which we’ve scavenged from military supply carts. Sounds of clanging metal and iron fill the air before we assemble ourselves in unit formation.
“Let’s move out!”
Dfam and zagfer stop and stare in wonder, some fleeing as we march through the streets. I lead the charge with Gavarn by my side, making way straight for the estate. We turn onto the final road, coming up on a small incline at the top of which lays the gates.
As we look up, we’re greeted by a battalion of Fohri’s men, clearly anticipating the attack. Among them, I see the familiar faces of guards I came to know during my time undercover. It’s an intimidating sight but I hold my men strong in the face of the enemy.
“For Infnore!” I yell. “Charge!”
Crying out, I sprint ahead, the sounds of metal and unsheathing swords filling the air as we press up the hill. Arrows spring up into the air before making a beeline for us.
“Shields!” I scream.
I raise mine, feeling the force of many arrows collide with it. Behind me comes a few yelps of pain, some of my men already falling down.
“Fire back!”
We unleash our own wave of arrowheads, making a visible dent across the enemy’s frontline. We swiftly close the gap between us, the soldiers unsheathing their swords as we finally collide full force with them.
I swing carefully but with precision and strength, cutting down soldiers in my path. My years of training alongside the enemy has allowed me to study their typical movements, and so I know of various effective counter attacks. I take more down than my allies, quickly disposing of the first line of defense. Turning behind me, my men stand tall, still strong in numbers.
“See what they throw at us!” I exclaim, raising my arms. “Yet we stand strong! Come on then, into the courtyard we go!”
We advance up, greeted by a fresh barrage of arrows. I run as fast as I can, narrowly avoiding them. The archers have no time to reload before I cut them down like pests. Dodging daggers and swinging swords, I kill them in just under a minute.
There comes a roar behind me, a new wave of soldiers bursting out from the entrance to the gardens. “Traitor!” they yell.
I raise my sword and charge at the squad, yelling out as my weapon clangs with theirs. My men flank in from behind them, making quick work as we send their heads rolling along the ground.