Page 47 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll
Of course, there still stands the conversation to be had about Ellie between Brilyk and I but that is a battle for another day. I can only focus on one problem at a time if I am to get my hands on the future that I desire.
The undercover rebel and I have a fair share of differences. At the end of the day however, he bears a strong amount of integrity, the likes of which I have never seen displayed by any other of Fohri’s men.
I shake my head and chuckle in disbelief, wondering where Brilyk finds the guts for all of this. I knew it took a lot of courage to participate in the rebellion, but to do it while working right underneath the nose of the enemy must be a whole different ball game. He may technically be my enemy but I cannot help but admire the man.
On top of that, he truly seems to bear a lot of love for Ellie in his heart.
I could see how much he was willing to sacrifice for her when he took a step back from Ellie and I last night, allowing us to spend the night together. I do not know if I could have done the same in his shoes.
No doubt Brilyk is a good protector for her when I am not around.
While dwelling on my newfound ally and our common love interest, I realize quite a few hours have passed since I last saw Ellie.
I better go and see her, perhaps things have cooled down enough for us to have a conversation.
With Brilyk out of the way for now, it’s an opportune time to get my piece in with Ellie. I do not wish for her to think that amidst the rivalry between Brilyk and I that we have forgotten all about her.
At the same time, I must take into consideration the guard’s feelings for her. I cannot speak for him but I will tell no word of a lie if he comes up in conversation. Being truthful may perhaps aid in the future of both Infnore and Ellie.
I never thought I’d be allying myself with a rebel but life is continuously throwing all types of surprises my way.
I mull over what to say as I make my way through the corridors and hallways of the castle. I meant what I said to her about being in love, I only wish that the situation was different.
What if she doesn't want me in her life?I think to myself.Could it be that she wants Brilyk instead? Could he be the one who holds her heart?
I wonder what to do if that ends up being the way of things. I decide to simply let them be if that’s the case. If I force my way into her life, it would make me no better than my brother.
Before anything though, I must be given the chance to speak my mind. She is owed an apology after all. Arriving at her door, I clear my throat and gently rap on it. “Ellie? May I come inside?” I ask.
I stay there for a minute, during which there comes no answer. Placing my hand on the knob, I hesitate for a moment, wondering if it’d be a good idea to enter.
Deciding to take a chance, I slowly twist the handle and inch the door open. I take a step inside, greeted by the sight of Ellie sitting on the edge of her bed, head buried in her hands. She looks up at me with bloodshot eyes, heavy bags underneath them, as if she hasn’t slept all night. Stained along her cheeks are red marks from tears.
“Ellie?” I say calmly. “Have you not slept?”
She shakes her head, sniffling as she wipes away a tear. I reach into my pocket and pull out a handkerchief, offering it to her. She looks at it warily.
“Please take it.”
Reluctantly, she accepts my offer. I eye up the spot beside her on the bed but decide to play it safe instead, opting for a chair that I pull out from the desk. Taking a seat across from her, I begin what's inevitably going to be a hard conversation.
“I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now, Ellie, but the first thing I want to say is that I am so sorry.”
She looks up from the handkerchief, a saddened look in her eyes. I fight back every urge to spring forth and envelope her in my arms. “What happened last night was unacceptable and I apologize for the part I played in it. As for Brilyk, I can see that he too also means a lot to you.”
Ellie wipes her eyes and straightens herself up, an intrigued look written over her face.
“I cannot speak for him but I want to tell you more about what I feel. You see, Ellie, I truly meant every word of what I told you last night. I really love—”
The bedroom door suddenly swings open with a loud bang. Startled, I rise from the chair, confused at the sight of a zagfer servant entering the room. He is out of breath, clutching his chest as he pants endlessly.
“What is the meaning of this intrusion?” I snap. “Have you never heard of knocking?”
“Sir, I’ve come to inform you that—” His words are cut short as he is shoved out the way. An unexpected sight reveals itself behind him as Fohri steps forth into the light, a smug smile etched across his face.
“Brother!” I choke. “You’re supposed to be gone for another week, what are you doing back here?”
This can’t be good…