Page 20 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll
There’s something mysterious about Ihokha. In a way, he seems nice. For one thing, he’s not disgusted by the sight of a human, nor does he try to make inappropriate advances on me.
Fohri has not been around since then, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s been at the intervention of Ihokha. In the time I’ve spent alone, I find myself thinking about Ihokha a lot. There’s no denying the fact he possesses an oddly attractive air about him, guessing it to be his protective nature.
I’m laying on my bed thinking it through when there comes a knock on my door. It
opens, and in strolls the large and muscular bodyguard known as Brilyk. As per usual, he doesn’t seem all too happy about having to do his job.
“A pair of servants are on their way to bathe you, you best get yourself ready.”
“Again with the zagfer? Can I not just take a bath myself?” I retort.
“Just be ready. Fohri expects to see you later on.”
A few minutes later, I find myself being escorted to the washroom. I go through the same mundane process as I did a few days prior. This time however, Brilyk stands guard at the door. His back is turned to me, perhaps to give me a sense of privacy.
I notice that the zagfer washing me are hesitant to touch me inappropriately, perhaps in fear of what Brilyk will do. Although I’d much rather be alone, having him here brings me a strange sense of comfort, similar to the protective vibe I get with Ihokha.
After getting dressed, I’m walking through the hallways. With a permanent guard assigned to watch over me every day, it seems as though I can’t do anything by myself anymore.
As we walk, I sneak a sidelong glance. Surprisingly, I catch him looking at me. As soon as he notices, he whips his gaze to face straight. It’s not the first time I’ve caught him checking me out, leading me to wonder what the deal is with him.
Brilyk is just as mysterious to me as Ihokha. He is more silent for sure, but no words are needed to make me take a strange liking to him. He did not say a word back to me when I was rambling to him through the door the other night, but oddly it still felt as though he was listening. I decide to take a chance and strike up a conversation.
“I’m not so sure that I want to do this.”
“To relax with Fohri?” he asks.
So you can talk?I think to myself, resisting the urge to say it to him.
“Relax?” I chuckle. “There’s no relaxing around that guy. I’ve spent only a few hours in his company and it’s clear he’s fucking insane. You seem to know him well, I’m sure you know what I mean.”
“He can be irritable indeed,” says Brilyk. “Try your best not to provoke him.”
We come to a door leading outside.
“Fohri should be waiting for you right outside this door. Are you ready?”
“Never have been, never will be,” I reply.
Best just get this over with.
I open the door, greeted suddenly by Fohri who accosts me with alarming speed. “I’ve been waiting forever to see you!” he quips.
I tense up immediately, filled with dread as he forcefully takes hold of my hand.
“Come on then,” he snaps, yanking me away. “We’re off to take a walk through the estate. I’m going to show you off like the doll you are.”
Ugh, this delusional bastard really seems to think I’m his.He grips my hand tight, causing pain to shoot up my arm. “Take it easy, you’re hurting me!”
“Oh is that right?” he sneers. “Okay, but only because you’re so pretty,” he continues, running a finger down my cheek. I feel like I want to vomit.
Fohri takes confident strides as we walk, perhaps feeling as though he’s on top of the world with his new little toy. Zagfer and various other elves shoot curious eyes on us as we pass by, no doubt fueling Fohri’s ego.
Should I make him look bad?I wonder to myself.Maybe I should slouch, or walk with a limp. Better yet, I should trip him up in front of a woman.
As enticing as it sounds in my head to mess with him, I decide it best not to do so, fearing the possible repercussions.