Page 47 of Mated to Monsters
“Such a fine acquisition,” one of the volvath demons says, and I anticipate a healthy measure of slavering. I’m not disappointed. “It must be the largest I’ve ever seen up close. And when you struck it down with the heel of your khopesh?
One of the trolvor waves down the wall guards, and the tall gate begins to crank open. We step through into the bustling streets of Ti’lith, my home since before we came to Protheka. “If you wish to suck my cock,” I say over my shoulder. “-just say so.”
The others laugh at the target of my jibe.
“Next time,” another says, braving my sour mood. “You could clear out a nest of howler beasts, if you’re so inclined, my Prince. I’ve heard they’ve overtaken the southern part of the island, and it might offer a better challenge for one of your skills.”
“Maybe,” I say. I don’t like the servants advising me, and I won’t be seen entertaining their ideas favorably. But a writhing nest of howler beasts does sound like a good bit of fun, if only for a day. “I’d much prefer to explore the continents below. I’ve heard they have a great many beasts down there.”
“Yes,” says the first. “My brother is a soz’garoth, a scrier for the King. He’s seen many such creatures, some with two legs, even, and tails and tusks and tentacles. He told me there are whole civilizations full of green men, ones with big, ugly…” The volvath carries on, regaling the others with vivid imagery of the world below our feet.
Green men, I think with amusement.
The concept sounds outrageous. I could imagine sweeping down there and fighting a whole army of them, forcing their leader to yield, then bringing one back to prove my victory. “Yes,” I say, interrupting his spiel. “When I destroy their leader, I will make one of those green men my pets.”
Another round of laughter.
“I didn’t know you were into men, Rej’thorek.” A chill crawls up my spine at the sound of a delicate, yet cutting tone of a familiar matron. “But that would explain a great many things.”
I whip around, fully expecting her to be alone, though I’m not sure why. Matrons never leave their domiciles on their own. They’d rather be surrounded by devoted lovers, and often are unable to make it to a private room before an orgy breaks out on the street.
Yedina is not alone.
Apparently, she is still capable of dragging demons to her bed, and she has seven males fawning over her. She has chosen them to make me jealous, I’m certain of it. “You must have misheard me, Matron Yedina,” I say just as cutting. “Or, perhaps you’re confused at the purpose of a pet, in this context. I don’t tend to fuck mine.”
My entourage chuckles behind their hands, and for the first time all day, I’m glad for their company. It brings a little rouge to Yedina’s pale cheeks, and her mouth turns down. Her lovers can sense her shifting mood and one tries to calm his mistress with a touch.
Yedina slaps his hand away. “Always the tease, aren’t you, my Prince?”
She breaks from her group and comes to me, her hips swaying dangerously. And, if she were any other matron, I might be taken by her stunning looks. She is young and quick, with polished curved horns that sit close to her skull and a petite frame, the shape of her hips defying her diminutive stature. Even the silk chemise hangs dangerously open, as if she couldn’t be bothered to close it.
“You know,” she says, leaning in confidentially and walking her fingers up my leather vest. “I’m a forgiving soul, but you have to apologize first.”
I am a Prince. I don’t apologize.
She doesn’t like that I can tell her ‘no,’ as I have many times before. She’s a matron, used to getting her way with any male she sets her sights on. The demons around her now would be killed if they deprived her of desired attention, or gave her too much. Only me and my brothers could ever rebuff a matron’s advance.
I lean in further, taking in her redolent scent. “Fuck off, Yedina.”
Her jaw tightens, and she snaps back as if I struck her instead. But her expression cools instantly for something demure and crestfallen. She never gives up, and that would be a boon in a soldier, but she is a matron, and they are as conniving as they are cruel. “You hurt my feelings.”
“Good,” I growl, growing fed up with her games. “I have told you not to acknowledge me in public, or harass my servants, or come anywhere near my estate. And with such big ears, I figured you could hear a little better than that.”
She moves to touch the crest of her ears unconsciously, stopping herself all while looking a little horrified. “You have such a cruel tongue, Rej’thorek. After everything we shared…”
“We shared nothing but your bed. And it hardly impressed me.”
In truth, she is a wild thing. Fierce like an Ur'gin hound in heat, and so very willing and generous a lover. But she wants something from me.
Something I am not inclined to give her.
Like most, Yedina intended to use me. Anything she says is a sweet little lie to get me to give her a child born into a title. Male or female, it would be highly valued in Ti’lith, though it would never rise to the throne.
Several of my brothers are eagerly working towards that goal with a host of their own matrons, but it is not a task for me. Yedina knows that, and still, she tries to break me down until I give in. I’m afraid I might, if only to conquer something untamable. Matrons are the last true quarry on this damnable island.
She plays at offense briefly before flashing her beautiful white teeth. Everything she does is an act. A game. I don’t think she’s capable of feeling anything other than a deep hunger that threatens to swallow everyone around her. Yedina links her arms around my neck, ignoring the blood on my front and pressing herself against me. “Rej… Don’t be like this.”