Page 37 of Mated to Monsters
“My experiment is just that, an experiment. And there is no doubt we will lose some in the process, which is why I asked for as many as I did.”
But you don’t have to, I think, considering how persistent and sweet Cora was only this morning. We don’t need to force ourselves onto these women. They have minds of their own. Even the meekest of them would come around in time. I’m sure of it. And yet, how can I argue against the King? He is intent on his plan, and there is nothing a lowly Kennel Master can do to change his mind. “Of course, my King.”
“As for the matter of the human residing at your home,” he remains thoughtful. “Do you intend to breed with her, yourself?”
The question comes as a shock, even as I was expecting it eventually.
I scratch where my horn meets my scalp. “Well.” It’s not so easy as all of that. When we coupled, it had taken me by surprise, though I wasn’t opposed. I figured it was a one off for the both of us. Perhaps, that is how humans show their affection. If I had intended to breed with her, truly, once would not have been nearly enough to ensure my seed held.
If she wanted it, then perhaps, but that is a future I cannot hope to imagine in Ti’lith. They would expect me to treat her as a breeder, and no more. I could not condemn her to such a dismal fate. “It did not cross my mind. I have other duties to attend to, such as the hounds and… my estate and-”
“Giroth,” the King interjects. “Do you plan to breed her?”
I firm my expression, my mouth forming a word that burns as it leaves my lips. “No.”
The King relaxes slightly. “It is good to be honest with yourself,” he says with a chuckle. “If you are not up for the task, there are many who will be eager to take your place.”
What have I done? I think, doing everything I can to remain neutral.
“Bring her back here at your earliest convenience. You can take the carriage to hasten your journey. I am eager to meet the human that has given you so much trouble, as of late.” The next he speaks, it’s more to himself. “She tried jumping off the island, did she?”
I sway on my heels. “She did,” I answer, though all but my most basic functions have abandoned me. I have promised Cora to King Asmodeus, when I could have sought to claim her as my own. I could have protected her. Instead, I’m offering her up to the whims of demons who might very well tear her limb from limb.
“Tell me, how did she escape the cell block?”
“She didn’t, I–” I hesitate, my mind reeling even as I press for the answer he demands. “She was riling up the other women. I had to separate her from them. We took a walk and she ran away from me.
“If I hadn’t caught her, she’d have fallen to her death.”
He rests his chin in his hand. “Harrowing,” he says with dry amusement. “At least the other humans are not so rebellious, it seems. I’ll make sure to keep her separated from them. Again, Giroth, you have my thanks in this matter. You may go.”
I bow deeply, unable to say another word if I wanted to.
It sickens me to think I have condemned her to a fate worse than death. I know my own kind, and they will see her as little more than a deposit for their foul seed. Her defiance will get her hurt, and I won’t be there to protect her.
What have I done? I repeat to myself as I storm the halls towards the exit. What have I done? A sizable part of me wants to rush back into the throne room and redact my previous statement. To appeal to the King for ownership of Cora.
Ownership, I think with disgust. Is that all I can promise her?
They would demand that I put a collar around her neck, sapping her of her fighting spirit. She would become demure and obedient, the exact opposite of why I fell for her in the first place. The thought strikes me in the gut as viciously as any blow. Do I love her? Can I love her the way she deserves?
It is too late to think of all that.
I have promised her to my King, and he will be furious if I disobey now. I had the opportunity to argue my case, and that opportunity has passed. Frisson flares up my spine, and my gaze is trained ahead. The Trolvor I pass says nothing, where before, they might have looked down their long noses at me in superiority. I am filled with dreaded purpose, and I wonder if they can feel it driving me to madness.
I bare my canines at no one and let my fury out on a hot breath.
Cora cannot see me like this. I have to get a grip on myself before I become feral and lash out at the next demon to cross my path. The King’s orders allow me no leverage to tarry.
The carriage is waiting.
The bath did little to warm the cold lump in my gut.
I dress slowly in clothes laid out by the dark elves. They’re almost my size and neutral in their cut. Not a single moment passes where I don’t wonder when Giroth will be back. If he’ll be back at all.