Page 236 of Mated to Monsters
It’s survival of the fittest in here.
Just as I start to cross the cell, though, I hear the familiar scrape of the door opening at the end of the hallway. They’re coming.
The other girls recognize it, too, stiffening up as the demons approach. Already I can hear the deranged cackling bouncing off the walls, and I square my shoulders as I stare forward.
“Look alive!” the bird-like demon squawks as he rakes his fingers over the bars. The harsh sound of his claws on metal echo through the room, making everyone shiver. “Why so glum? You aren’t dead…yet!” He howls with laughter at the last part, and I grit my teeth. They love to find enjoyment in our misery.
And it works. All the others tremble in their presence, but I refuse to. I won’t give them the satisfaction. They already took my freedom, my life, everything. I won’t give them this little bit of defiance I have left.
The demon bares its teeth at me, and I don’t flinch. I don’t look away or even blink. I just clench my jaw against the words I want to hurl at him as he leans forward and thrusts his hand through the slot at the bottom of the cell door.
I don’t let my eyes go to his hand as the hard bread clatters against the floor. My stomach may be gnawing itself but I will stand what little bit of ground I have left. I will fight for every inch I can get. Even as the stench of half-spoiled food fills the room.
“I can’t wait until they let you,” he hisses. “Hopefully, I get the leftovers.”
Now that almost makes me shiver. But I don’t let the disgust show. I only grin.
“I do hope we encounter each other without these pesky bars in the way,” I answer, and I know the threat is dripping in my tone. “I’d love to show you what I can really do.”
I expect him to come back with a snarl or a sick joke, but he only backs away, a low growl building in his chest. Good. He knows I am dangerous.
Without another word, he turns and struts down the hall, muttering under his breath. I think I catch a ‘bitch’ in there, but that’s about all.
Once the door at the end of the hall slams closed, the girls dive forward. I remain in place, stoic as they scramble for food. I will make sure everyone gets something to eat. Though sometimes I’m not sure if we’re better off getting sick from it or starving.
As everyone retreats, I look down to see a torn piece of bread, a handful of decent berries, and a suspiciously soggy piece of meat. Good. They left some for me.
The new girl is eyeing the food, and I realize that she’s holding something moldy in her hand, and I huff, moving forward to gather my items. Then, I take a seat next to her, ripping the bread in half.
“The only way we survive here is together,” I tell her as I extend the bread and half the berries to her. “I’m Siara.”
“Trinity.” It almost sounds like a whimper as she snatches the bread and curls in on herself. Well, at least she isn’t feral. “Thank you.”
“Look, I get that you’re scared, but they like that. The more timid you are, the most likely you are to be pulled from the cage.”
“Have you ever…”
I shake my head. “Nope. I stand strong, stare them down. They either know that I am too feral to let out or that I might be dangerous to them, and I make it a point to prove that every time they come down here. I won't be an easy victory, and if they tried me, I’d definitely do some damage. They don’t want that.”
I lean a little closer to her. “If you want to make it in here, you don’t need to be scared of them. You want them to be scared of you.”
Trinity snorts. “Scared of me?”
“Everyone is afraid of what they don’t know.” I tear off a small bite of bread and roll it between my thumb and forefinger. “Make them think you are something untested and they won’t want to take the chances.”
“You’ve really got this all figured out.” She eyes me. “Are you…from here?”
I snort. “I don’t think anyone is. We all came from Protheka. The ground planet.” I roll my eyes. “I just think I’ve been here longer than anyone, at least to have not been picked yet.”
“How…” She swallows staring up at me, and I can tell she isn’t sure if she should ask.
“A year.” It’s a hard lump to swallow, but it’s true. A year without leaving this cage.
“Do you know…what happens when you are picked?”
I honestly had assumed she was one of the ones that had been used and dumped. None of those girls ever talked, though, and while, at first, I thought they used us for sport, there are too many of us being kept alive and brought back for that to be the case.
I’m starting to think that the role of a woman isn’t all that different here than it is on Protheka…