Page 220 of Mated to Monsters
“Someone pissed off the gods?”
I’m slammed against Kha’zeth’s body as six pairs of eyes turn on us. Alvech stirs, hiccupping, and I know what is coming. A sob that I’m not sure should break this kind of silence.
I should have kept my mouth shut, but I was surprised, my curiosity piqued. I expected the baby shower to be more about, well, babies, but I can’t say I’m not interested in being privy to their conversation.
But I don’t have to worry because Cora, Laura, and Anastasia break away from their mates, ecstatic as soon as their gazes fall to the little bundle in my arms.
“I have been dying to meet this little one!” Laura coos, coming around to see Alvech’s face.
“He makes me want one!” Cora’s outburst is met by a soft growl that has us all giggling.
Anastasia breaks in over all of them. “Let’s go inside. It will be more comfortable.”
Kha’zeth still hasn’t moved, practically curled around me and our son. I have to hit him with my shoulder to get him to take a step back so we are no longer blocking the door.
He shifts his body so that he is between us and the males, though never more than a step too far from me. Even as we settle on the couch, and I shift the baby into Laura’s arms.
They scramble for Alvech’s attention, the little boy nearly overwhelmed with so much attention. His eyes are wide and bright as he reaches for them, babbling as he tries to keep up with their questions as if he can understand him.
“Oh, you are such a handsome little thing, aren’t you?” Cora tells him, and he smiles widely, laughing. “That’s right. Yes, you are.”
My eyes flick to Kha’zeth, hovering between Alvech and I. There’s a soft smile pulling at his lips as he watches his son, and he seems a bit more relaxed. I’m not sure if it’s our child or the distance from whatever disaster was occuring out there, but I am glad he isn’t practically shoving me out of the door.
“My turn!” Anastasia scoops him up, holding him propped up with what looks like practiced ease. I’m envious since motherhood has been such a challenge for me. I know that it’s going to come naturally for me. “Natalie, if you don’t mind me asking–”
“Not at all,” I answer immediately, making us all giggle. “I wish I would have had more resources when it came to Alvech. Let me be yours.”
She smiles gratefully. “How was the birth?”
I give her a grim look. “You’re right to be nervous.”
She gulps, glancing up at me. “Really?”
“I’ve heard ur’gins be quieter,” Kha’zeth mutters, and I lunge for him. The girls giggle, and he even manages a chuckle.
“You have a little horned demon rip you open and see if you don’t scream!”
He drops a kiss on top of my head. “I know, my love. It was hard.”
I flick my hair out of my face, returning my focus to Anastasia. “It is hard, but it is worth it. And Volikan might be able to help you. Kha’zeth was able to use his magic to help guide the baby out, and the healers on the island are wonderful.”
She nods, but Cora cuts in next. I truly am surprised that she and Giroth don’t have a child of their own. “How has been expanding your family, though? I can only imagine how wonderful it must be seeing this little face.” She tugs on his hand, and Alvech coos.
I grin, looking up at Kha’zeth. “It has been. I couldn’t ask for anything better, and the girls have been so great with him. It’s been enough to temper them. You know how girls can be at that age.”
Laura and Cora both snort. I know they have younger siblings so they can be empathetic.
“It’s also fun to see the big bad demon–” I poke Kha’zeth in the side, grinning as he hisses and steps toward Alvech. “Panic over a newborn’s cries.”
At this Anastasia’s face lights up and she leans in, whispering softly, “Speaking of which, watch this.” I cock an eyebrow as she turns toward the opposite side of the room. “Volikan! Come here!”
He appears in the doorway, rushing to her side. “Are you alright?”
I have to bite my lower lip as I see the fear on his face. Yes, I know that very well, as do I know the protective stance that Alvech is now taking behind Anastasia with another demon so close to his son.
“I’m perfect. I want you to hold the baby.”
His eyes go wide, and he shakes his head slowly. “No, I can’t–”