Page 216 of Mated to Monsters
“The world?” I take another step closer, and Volikan twists, watching me with a strange expression I can’t quite place. It’s not quite anger, and there is definitely a guarded hardness in his eyes. What is going on? “Like Galmoleth?”
His jaw ticks, but he doesn’t indicate further. He just holds my gaze, the intensity of it burning into me, and I know there is no denying what he is saying. He doesn’t think the island is safe, not for a child.
I can’t say I’ve ever thought that, though.
But I’ve made it work. Demons are not known for nurturing and kindness, and that is something he will have to work through, along with other obstacles.
Nodding, I turn, my gaze going to the door. “Perhaps the girls–”
My words are cut off as I stumble, the ground jerking violently beneath my feet and throwing me off balance. I grab at the railing, holding myself up as the tremor rocks the house, and Volikan throws his glass. The shards going flying, and I duck in time to avoid getting cut.
“Fuck this!”
I might have underestimated how upset he was about this. That thought is confirmed as he finds his footing, whirling on me the second the tremor stops shaking.
“What the actual fuck is going on?” he snarls, prowling toward me. My magic flares in response as I stand my ground. “You want to know what’s bothering me?” He throws his arms out, his eyes bright with fury. I can feel the waves of chaos magic wafting off of him. “Being on a fucking island that is on the verge of falling out of the godsdamn sky pisses me off!”
I set the glass down, nodding as I swallow my anger. I can’t even blame him for coming at me this violently, though if I were one of my brothers, I would have punished him for it.
“Don’t you feed me any of that fucking ur’gin shit. You are a godsdamn Prince. I know you have to know something.”
My rage starts to bubble beneath my skin, fighting its way up. I have a good hold on my temper, but being accused like this when I have been just as concerned is not something I take lightly.
“What do you know?” He steps closer, and this time I let my magic flare enough to press against him, to show my intent.
“Take a step back, Volikan.”
“What do you know?” he shouts, snarling as he fights against the restraint holding him back.
My emotions are at war, anger and guilt, as I try to find an answer that isn’t a physical attack. This is not why we are here today. I know that Laura will be disappointed if I do harm him regardless of who started it – a phrase I hear often.
But just as he lunges at me, and I ready to force him to stand back, I hear a quiet noise behind me. I turn slowly to find a very pregnant, very wide-eyed woman watching us.
And just next to Anastasia, Laura is giving me the look.
“Oh, no,” I murmur, shifting the basket in my arms. I’m still recovering my footing from the latest quake.
“Everything alright?” Giroth leans toward me, peeking at all the goodies that I made for Anastasia and her baby.
“Yeah, I think so.” Clutching it to my chest, I move everything around to make sure nothing fell out. “That one was rough.”
Giroth wraps an arm around me, tucking me closer. It’s the only way he lets me walk around the city. Apparently actively trying to throw yourself off the edge of a floating island really sticks with a guy. He never lets me more than an arm’s length away, despite my insistence that I am not going to run off anymore.
“Are you sure we have to go to this?” he grumbles, pulling me from my thoughts. “Maybe we should just go back home, check on the pups.”
I snort. I should have known he’d be worried about his demon dogs being frightened by the earth shaking. “I think they’ll be okay until we make it back.”
Giroth kisses the top of my head. “I’ll make it worth your while.”
I giggle. “There’s no bargaining your way out of this. I’m too excited!”