Page 212 of Mated to Monsters
My magic is on a short leash, my temper on an even shorter one, and I think the little interruption downstairs is the perfect place to vent that.
Between worrying over my child every second since I found out about them, the growing need to protect my family, and the hopelessness I have been facing with each tremor that threatens to buckle my home, I’m nearly bursting. I need an outlet, and it certainly will not be my mate.
I like to vent my frustrations out on her, of course, in a way that leaves her hoarse and satisfied. But that isn’t the kind of release I need right now.
Okay…It isn’t the only kind of release I need right now.
Especially as my viewpoint has shifted. Not only am I a citizen of Galmoleth experiencing the oncoming environmental anomalies. If that were the case I may not have even noticed. We’re shrouded in electrical storms after all.
But as a soon to be father? I’ve started to assess things like this in a way I never would have before. Like how these tremors don’t feel right. There’s no magic component to them, there’s no reason behind them. Everything else on Galmoleth is poured by chaos energy and lends itself to our daily life.
These tremors? They don’t feel natural.
Even more than that, they are progressing. Magic is nothing if not unpredictable, and the way these are hitting have made me realize that they cannot be chaotic – or any other form that I know – magic. That makes matters much worse.
But more than that, more than anything, I am uneasy because of the King. King Asmodeus, who rules with an iron fist and allows no error. He’s fierce, terrifying, and will slaughter you on sight for stepping out of line.
And yet, these tremors have continued.
Not just continued, but have started to disrupt our life. He’s not even gone as far as addressing the damn things, and I know I am not the only demon looking to him in these moments. It’s not a good sign for him to be silent now.
“Let’s go,” I bark, spinning on my heel as I storm toward the door.
“Wait!” I’m past the threshold already, and Anastasia can’t keep up with the way she is waddling down the hall. “Volikan!”
Dammit it all. She sounds out of breath, and when I dare to glance back, I see just how slow she’s moving. It’s enough to tug at me, and I turn to scoop her up into my arms.
“I can walk,” she retorts, even as her arms go around my neck needlessly. I don’t think she realizes how little she weighs even now.
“I don’t think I’d call what you were doing walking.” There is no humor in my voice, even as I tease her. It’s all ire and fury.
I can see the worry glint in her eyes as we round the corner to the front sitting room. My body is already thrumming with chaotic energy and adrenaline, ready to unleash on whoever I find in my living room.
Until my ears are pierced with a high pitched scream.
No, wait. Not one but two shrieks as Anastasia squirms out of my arms. I twist to plant her on the ground, my mind whirring as my instincts scream to protect her.
But then my brain catches up with my body, and I realize that the only thing capable of producing such a sound is a human woman. And now there are two screeching like ur’gins in the sitting room.
I recognize the blonde squeezing Anastasia instantly. I’m honestly surprised that she was able to win over my mate. She’s formidable, but it seems that her warm heart extends beyond me since she forgave the girl that led to her imprisonment.
“I hope we aren’t interrupting,” Rej’thorek says. It’s the first time I notice the Prince, and my body stiffens as he smiles at me easily. Despite the desperate need to rip his throat out, I bow to him, fighting to contain my rage.
“No, not at all!” Anastasia answers for me, and I grit my teeth hard enough that one might crack. “What brings you here?”
I want nothing more than to stop her there and tell the two problematic creatures to get out of my home. Laura is a traitor to her own people, and Rej’thorek is the spawn of what I believe is our growing problem – or at least a part of it.
But none of those words come out of my mouth, of course. I am loyal to the crown – as much as I question it right now – and that includes the mate that has somehow found her way into Anastasia’s heart.
“I’m going to throw you a baby shower!” Laura shouts, and I nearly let the words slip then.
But my mate squeals, her eyes lighting up, and it’s enough to make me sink back against the wall and stomach their unwelcome presence. I have no idea what a baby shower is, but I guess I can suffer through it for her.
“Who else is coming?”
Wait. What?
“Cora and Natalie!”