Page 202 of Mated to Monsters
The Prince stands behind her, his arm draped across Laura’s shoulder. Both smile at us contentedly, watching our reunion.
He turns to drop a kiss on Laura’s forehead, and I consider matching the gesture. The throbbing from my split lip, however, discourages any further exploration of that idea.
“Now that the threat has been dealt with,” the Prince begins. “I see no reason why you can’t take your human home with you. That is, if she’s willing to go,” he adds, a teasing note in his voice.
Anastasia misses the jest. “I am,” she replies firmly, pulling her head away from me to make her speech. “I want to go home. I want to stay with Volikan.” Her voice makes it clear that she will take no argument.
The Prince and Laura laugh softly. She seems to realize the joke too late, and a sheepish expression spreads over her face.
Prince Rej’thorek nods. “So it shall be,” he agrees easily. “You may both go, with my blessing to keep her as your mate. Be good to her, Volikan.”
I nod, suddenly feeling a lump in my throat. I am too overcome to say anything more. The newfound knowledge that Anastasia can be mine, forever, moves me in a way I never knew possible.
When the King gifted her to me, it was only with the intent of breeding. And at that time, I was reluctant for even that. Now, I can’t imagine ever letting her go, and I’ll forever be grateful to the Prince for his understanding.
Laura steps next to us, extending her arms for a hug from Anastasia. Anastasia gives it readily, and the two embrace for several minutes. I notice something in the way that they hold each other, as if both are trying to draw strength from the other.
It strikes me, how difficult it must be to be a human on Galmoleth. It’s not a new thought, but it seems to resonate somewhere deeper inside of me this time. I file this memory away for the future, making a mental note that Laura is a good friend that Anastasia likely needs.
As if reading my mind, Laura speaks. “Come visit anytime,” she says. There’s a hopeful tilt at the end of her words, more of a request than an offer. She looks genuinely pleased when Anastasia agrees.
“She will,” I add, confirming Anastasia’s response, even though no one had addressed me. I’ll be sure to encourage Anastasia to make time for her human companion, especially now that I am beginning to understand the value of such a thing.
Laura turns to me with grateful eyes. There’s an unspoken apology on her face, and I know she’s remembering how harsh she was when I first came for Anastasia. I bear no ill will for the matter, simply grateful that Anastasia had someone who would protect her so fiercely when I could not.
I don’t make her say the words out loud. Instead, I give a firm nod of agreement. A flicker of understanding passes across her face, and she smiles shyly. Our truce is officially sealed.
I turn toward the door, one arm draped over Anastasia to lead her. As we walk outside, Laura hovers in the open doorway. “You should consider getting security,” she calls behind us. “Anything could happen, so far from the gate and all alone.”
She reminds me of a nervous mother, watching her child leave home for the first time. But I have to admit, the idea isn’t half bad. I pause on the step, turning to face her as I think it over.
“Maybe I will,” I finally reply, quite seriously. It’s a thought that never occurred to me, as I never worried about my safety when I lived all alone. The isolated location of my home was a blessing, not a concern.
I still don’t worry about my own safety – there are few demons who would dare to mess with me, and likely none that would survive such a venture. I became the King’s battle-scarred warrior by skill, not chance.
But now with Anastasia there, it’s a different matter. I don’t want to live forever with the fear of something else happening to her. Drir’gen might be gone, but there’s always another threat.
Humans are too fragile, too weak. On this demon island, she’ll need extra care and protection. And she means too much to me to take any chances.
In the immediate future, I have no intention of letting her out of my sight. But over the long run, I know that I can’t have my eyes on her every minute of forever. It’s a sensible long-term suggestion, and I’m glad that Laura spoke up.
“Maybe I will,” I echo again, interrupting my own thoughtful musing. “Thank you.”
She nods briskly, but I think I see a tear lingering in the corner of her eye. I turn Anastasia around before she can see, waving a final goodbye over my shoulder. If kindhearted Anastasia sees her friend’s sadness, we’ll never get out of here.
Besides, it’s Prince Rej’thorek’s job to comfort her.
My arm still wrapped around Anastasia’s shoulder, I lead her down the steps of the house. She is moving gingerly, carefully, trying not to jostle herself and cause more pain.
At the bottom of the steps, I get a better idea. Positioning myself behind her, I scoop her cautiously into my arms. Then I carry her the rest of the way home, taking my time to minimize her discomfort.
It’s a long walk, but something about being able to watch her beautiful face the entire time makes it easier. She’s close enough to kiss, and if it wasn’t for my lip, I’d probably try it.
But instead, I just settle for holding her snugly against my chest, one arm under her knee, and one supporting her back. It’s enough, for now.
When we finally arrive home, I put her straight to bed. “I don’t want to see you out of this bed again, not until you’re all better,” I declare seriously. “Not even for the bathroom. I’ll carry you there when you have to go.”
She rolls her eyes playfully. “Volikan, I’m bruised, not crippled.”