Page 126 of Mated to Monsters
“Why are you in my bed? What did you do to me?” My voice rises in pitch, but I can’t find it in me to care. He violated me, drugged me or cast a spell on me or something so I didn’t wake up, and he’s playing coy?
Kha’zeth shakes his head, having the nerve to look confused. I want to scream, I want to hit him or throw something at him, but more than anything else I just want him to get out of my bed.
“Get out,” I tell him, my tone venomous. “Get. Out!”
Kha’zeth finally sits up, slow understanding dawning on him as he looks around the room. “Natalie, wait-”
“I said get out!”
“Natalie, just listen-”
“NO!” I shriek back at him at the top of my lungs. “I will not listen! You put some sort of spell on me. You snuck into my room in the dead of night, and you had your way with me while I was unconscious?”
Kha’zeth’s mouth goes slack in horror, and he reaches a hand out as if to grab me. I dodge his hand, rolling out of the bed and scrambling to my feet as soon as I hit the floor.
My back is pressed against the wall, my eyes glued to him as he clambers off of the bed, raising himself up to his full height as he stares at me.
Kha’zeth takes a step toward me, and my instincts set in. I throw a nearby pillow at him, hoping to slow him down as I sprint to the washroom. I hear his footsteps close behind me as I slam the door, my hands trembling as I latch it shut.
“Natalie! Nothing happened!” He shouts from the other side of the door.
“Don’t lie to me!” I scream back at him, angry tears falling down my cheeks. “Just go! Leave me alone!”
“Natalie, unlock this door,” he growls.
“I said leave!” I shout back, pushing all my weight against the door. Terror racks my brain, my body shakes as I hold the doorknob in place.
“Just come out here so we can talk about this,” Kha’zeth says, exasperation and something like pleading coloring his tone. I won’t fall for it, I won’t let him hurt me again. I say nothing, maintaining my stance and accusation.
I remain silent.
I can’t believe I trusted him. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to believe that he might care about me in some sick, deranged way. Kha’zeth sighs from the other side of the door, sinking against the door until he is seated.
“We need to talk about this,” he says, sounding more tired than I’ve ever heard him. I don’t respond, choking back the sob coming up my throat. How dare he demand more of me, as if what he’s already done isn’t enough?
I refuse to be bullied into giving up more of myself. I refuse to let him take the last bit of dignity I have left. I won’t give in to this ploy.
Kha’zeth sits outside of the door for what feels like an eternity before he climbs to his feet again. “I’ll have the zonak bring food up for you,” he says. His footsteps fall heavily as he walks away, the sound receding as I hear my bedroom door click shut.
A sob breaks through my lips once I’m sure he’s gone, and I sink to my seat, allowing myself time to cry about this newest horror. Once I’m out of tears, I draw a hot bath, wanting to scrub this feeling off of me until my skin is raw.
The sound of running water echoes in the washroom as I stare at my reflection, steeling myself for what I’m about to do. It would be easier to pretend it didn’t happen, to act as if nothing was wrong, but I know I have to check, if only to confirm for myself that I’m not crazy.
I peel the chemise off as I check myself in the mirror, looking for any signs of bruises, but find none. Using my fingertips, I press lightly into my neck and arms, checking to see if I’m tender or sore anywhere, but again, I find nothing.
Doubt begins to creep in as I’m examining myself, but I push it away. Just because he didn’t leave a mark doesn’t mean nothing happened. There’s only one way to truly know if he fulfilled his duty last night.
Gently, reluctantly, I press my fingers between my thighs, checking myself for any abrasions or soreness, or any other tell-tale sign that I was penetrated.
There’s none.
I’m not sore, or hurt. There are no bruises; there’s no tenderness anywhere, absolutely no sign of anything having happened. I climb into the bath, that creeping feeling of doubt clawing around in my stomach.
I replay the morning’s events in my head, the way Kha’zeth looked confused and then horrified as our conversation progressed. Something clicks in my mind that makes me want to sink beneath the water and never emerge.
Kha’zeth was sleeping on top of the bed, not under the covers.