Page 78 of Evil Boys
“Because …” Nathan hisses, looking around to make sure no one’s listening. “My family will be reported to the police if I don’t cooperate.”
Shit. I didn’t think he was in this deep.
“I don’t want to lose my family, okay?” he adds. “So, help me out. Please.”
I sigh out loud. “Fine.” I tap his chest. “But after this is over, you owe me. Big time.”
* * *
I swallow down the guilt. “Yes.”
“You know I’ve sacrificed enough to defend your honor. Your place at this society. Even your goddamn life as you know it.”
Even though I hate it more than anything, he’s right.
When I needed him, he defended me, and it cost him his sight. On top of that, I never could’ve stayed at this university, this society he’s the leader of, if it wasn’t for him and his wealth. All my parents’ money is gone, and with it, my life of luxury. I depend on him.
“So let me have this one taste of sin,” he responds, placing a hand on my shoulder. “As my friend.”
My body grows rigid under his grip. “Fine. But if she tells the world what we do, it’s over for us and our society.”
“She won’t,” Milo says, and we both turn to look at him. “You said you had evidence she was there. Use it to make her do what we want.” A lopsided smile forms on his face.
I think about it for a moment, but then something clicks in my head. I grab my phone and open my gallery. The picture I took of her is so fucking dirty that it makes me grin, even after the fact. My dick swells again just from the mere memory of watching her squirm on one of my toys.
“Hmm …” That girl might just prove to be the one thing I needed after all. “You know … that might not be such a bad idea. In fact, I’m pretty sure a girl with her stature and beauty would do anything to keep her violent little secret hidden from the world.”
“What are you thinking?” Kai asks, cracking his knuckles.
Ripe. Rich. Decadent. Wish-fulfilling opportunities.
I throw my arm around his shoulder. “You know, a girl who’s desperate is a girl hungry to please.”
There’s a glimmer in his eyes. “I’ve already been using her secret against her to make her mine. And now that she knows who I am, I don’t intend to stop.”
A wicked smile forms on my face. “Then, as your friends … let us join in on the fun.”
“Oh, fuck yes, I’m in,” Milo muses.
At first, a hint of jealousy and anger bursts through Kai’s eye, but then his tongue darts out to wet his lips.
“Think about all the filthy things we could do with that girl,” I say.
“She’s mine,” he rasps.
“Of course she is,” I reply, not wanting to step on his toes. He’s never been this possessive over a girl, but I guess there’s a first for everything, and I definitely get it with this one. She’s violent as hell. Just the type to drive him mad. “But on your own, it’s hard to keep her in check.”
“That’s where we come in,” Milo adds, raising a brow. “Or come in her …”
“Hmm …” Kai eyes us both, his body tensing up. “As long as you two remember who she belongs to, maybe we can work together and bring her to her knees.”
My grip on his shoulder tightens, and I pull him closer. “Now you’re talking.”