Page 230 of Evil Boys
Yet he’s still breathing, still existing in the most painful corner of human existence.
She allows us all to experience the depth of her depravity. Every once in a while, her eyes connect with all three of us as though she’s begging us to see her for what she truly is. A beautiful, frenzied monster of justice and destruction. To look at the darkness sweeping through the room, taking us all over in a storm of retribution.
I’m in awe and enraptured by this homicidal kitty of mine.
She thrusts her knife into his body until nothing remains but holes, blood spraying from all sides, covering her too.
For a second, she glances my way, almost as if she’s wondering when I’ll stop being enamored and start being terrified.
But I will never, ever reach that point.
If this is her worst moment … I want to live inside it with every atom in my body.
“Make it stop, make it stop,” he begs, his voice soft, practically a peep.
He can barely stay conscious.
“Please …”
Lana slowly drags out her knife and holds it out to me.
“Do any of you still want a chance?” she asks.
A smile forms on my face as I take the knife from her and jab it underneath his rib cage. Blood pours from the wound, though not as fast as before, but the droplets still stain my face and chest.
He cries again and vomits all over himself, but then his eyes slowly roll back into his head.
“He’s done for,” Milo mutters.
“Lana?” I offer her the knife back.
Instead, she hands it to Nathan. He stabs him in the legs, but the guy no longer responds to any of the jabs we give him.
“Told you,” Milo adds.
Nathan makes a tsk sound as he pulls out the knife again. “Pathetic fucker.”
He hands it back to Lana and then lowers the guy from the hook. “Lana, do you want to do the honors?”
She frowns at him. “Didn’t you need his money?”
Nathan shakes his head. “Not this time.”
Her lips part, confusion settling on her face. “But why else would you do this?”
I step forward and grip the hand holding the knife. “For you.”
Nathan grabs the guy’s hair, tilting his head back, while I bring her hand along with the knife to his throat. My body presses up against hers, the sheer amount of violence irrevocably chaining my soul to hers.
“Now kill him.”
And as the blade punctures his skin, I plant a kiss onto her bloodied neck, savoring the taste of her savagery, her pulse quickening with every kiss, every stroke of the blade while it cuts through his flesh.
Blood streams out of his neck, spouting onto us, but I don’t give a care in the world as I take her mouth and claim her while she kills him.
Nothing is sweeter than the taste of murder on the lips of the girl I love.
She leans back for a second, blood rolling down her face. “Are you still not scared?”