Page 14 of Evil Boys
I slingmy bag over my shoulder and make my way out of class. I’m so glad economics is done for this week. I head toward the cafeteria, where Irina and Brooke wait for me. I sit beside them with my iced coffee and take a much-needed sip.
“Hey, baby.” Jason sits beside me and wraps his arm around my shoulders, but I move it off.
“Don’t call me that,” I reply.
“Why not? I like it,” he says, winking, and he leans in to kiss me on the cheek. “When are we going to have another cuddle?”
I’m really not in the mood for whatever he’s thinking. We only hooked up a couple of times, but we never made it official, and I’m glad we didn’t.
“Fine, never mind,” Jason says when I don’t reply, and he walks off again.
“Awkward,” Irina muses, rolling her eyes.
I sigh loudly. “Tell me about it.”
“Done with classes today?” Brooke asks. “I still have one more.”
“Yup,” I reply. “Sorry, girl.”
“Don’t be, I love marketing.” She takes a sip of her own coffee. “I get to design lots of fun stuff.”
“Nice, I wish I could use those programs, but I’m completely lost every time I open them,” Irina says. “In fact, I feel lost with most of my classes.”
I frown. “You sure you’re at the right school, then?”
She shrugs. “My parents wanted me to go here. But I just want to marry a rich tech dude and live a stress-free life.” She grins and puts on her shades, making me laugh.
“Oh, what are you even talking about?” Brooke shoves her. “You don’t even need that. Your parents are loaded, and you’re their only kid. You don’t have to do shit, and you’re still set for life.”
“What about you?” I ask. “You’ve got any plans for the future?”
Brooke shrugs. “I just wanna work for Wall Street finance.”
“Wow. Aiming big,” I reply.
“Yup,” she says, opening her bag of chips. “I’m not settling for lower than the fucking top. The only shitty thing is the men there.”
I snort. “Aren’t they everywhere?”
“No. I’m convinced there must be at least one submissive dude out there ready to bow at my feet,” she muses, taking a bite.
“Ambitious,” Irina says with a nod. “I like it.”
Brooke raises her hand, and Irina gives her a high five.
I take the opportunity to steal a few chips from her and shove them in my mouth. That’s when I notice one of the guys from the Phantom Society hanging posters all over the cafeteria, his semi-crooked walk on one side of his body making me focus on him. It’s the guy with the blond hair, and every time he raises his hand, the obvious stump on his hand draws my attention. What kind of violence is he involved in that would make someone lose a finger?
“Oh look at that, Lana’s got a crush on Nathan?”
I almost choke on my chips as I swallow them down. “What?”
Brooke points at the corner where he’s hanging more posters, oblivious to my stares. “You were looking at him for quite some time, L.”
“She already has a boyfriend,” Irina says with a cheeky voice.
“Wait, really?” Brooke frowns. “How come you never told me about him?”
“I mean, not really,” I say, shrugging. “It’s more of a friends-with-benefits thing.” I laugh it off like it’s no big deal. “Anyway, I was just interested in the posters.”