Page 24 of On the Dean's Naughty List
I’m doubled over laughing at Dash. Summer picked out a Fred and Wilma Flintstone costume for them to wear tonight. “I didn’t get you in that, your woman did. Take it up with her.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. She’s going to get it later for sure.”
I smirk at him and wag my eyebrows up and down. “I hope she’s into crossdressers.”
He picks up the remote that’s sitting on the counter and throws it at me. I catch it one handed and walk closer to him.
“You shouldn’t talk, Ronald McDonald. You’re a fucking clown with those ridiculous red pants.”
“At least they’re pants.” I chuckle again at the look of pain on his face, which is also just his regular looking face. “Just think of all the sex you’ll get. Summer’s going to feel bad for making you dress like this. You can have her feeling guilty for weeks, bro!”
That earns me a small smile. “Come on, man, let’s get down to the ball. You have a mask?”
I nod and pull out the black Zorro looking mask. “It has nothing to do with the costume but at least my face is covered.” I pause and look him up and down. “You may want to wear two.”
I wince as he punches me in the arm, and we knock each other around, laughing, as we head out the door.
* * *
This place is packed. The Ball is always the most popular event of the month-long Christmas in July festival. The anonymity of wearing masks adds an extra sense of excitement. I do see a lot of couples costumes. That’s usually how everyone winds up finding who their dates are for the night. However, finding a ‘new’ other half is also popular. So I see a lot of common one sided costumes, as well, looking for their match.
I’m pretty easy to find. To start, I’m six foot four. And I’m wearing bright red pants. I laugh to myself. Mackenzie better not be wearing lollipops under her skirt tonight. I did agree to this, easily I might add, but I am also hoping I get a good reward for doing so.
We’re weaving through the crowd when I spot Dean Stoll and his wife. I’m like a magnet to this guy, he always seems to know where I am and is always mean mugging me when we make eye contact. Tonight his eyes sweep my costume and he looks at me with such disgust it actually makes me feel uneasy. Damn dude, it’s been three years. Can’t he get over it by now?
“Hey handsome. Wow, I do believe you are the largest cheerleader I’ve ever seen.” Summer giggles looking at my costume.
“He’s a fucking neanderthal.”
“Says Mr. Flintstone.” I retort and bump him with my shoulder. “Hey sweets, you look great. “Your better half is in the running for best legs tonight. Let’s make sure he wins, okay?”
“Mark, leave my man alone!” She cuddles into Dash’s side, and he gives me an eyebrow raise.
‘Sex for weeks’ I mouth to him, and he smirks. “Hey Summer, have you seen Mackenzie?”
“Yes, she’s over by the DJ booth. He had asked for the team playlists. He wants to work the songs into the music for tonight.”
I nod and clap Dash on the back. “Make sure you get this guy on the dancefloor tonight. I’m going to go get my woman.” She snorts, Dash frowns, and all's right with the world.
I head straight to where the DJ is set up but pull up short when I see Dean Stoll and Mackenzie. She’s waving her hands around furiously and the Dean is standing rigid with that same angry face he looked at me with. I furrow my brows and try to get closer. I can’t hear anything they’re saying but they’re clearly not happy with each other. She glances to her left and spots me. Her eyes get wide, and she gives a shake of her head. She’s warning me about something. Dean Stoll catches it and looks towards me, as well. His eyes narrow and he steps towards me.
I meet him halfway, with Mackenzie following right behind him.
“Is there something wrong?”
“You!” The Dean points at me. “I should have fired you when I had the chance.”
“What is going on? Makenzie?” I look at her, but his tone makes me eyes snap back to his.
“Don’t ask her. You give this University a bad rep. We have no room for womanizers here.”
“Dean Stoll, you have it all wrong. But you’re so stubborn and wouldn’t let me expla-“
“There’s no explanation needed. I saw what I saw. I heard what I heard.” I throw my arms in the air, exasperated by this guy, but he continues. “And you think you’re so smooth, wearing this costume tonight. Are you trying to score with the whole cheerleader team by starting with the coach?”
“Is that what this is about? I’m spending time with the coach so I must be using her to get to her team. Jesus, if that’s what you think of me then maybe I don’t need to be working here at all.”
“Mark, no!”