Page 20 of On the Dean's Naughty List
Waking up next to Mackenzie was everything I’ve been missing. It seems fast, we’ve only just met a couple weeks ago but I am feeling things I’ve never felt before.
Dare I say it?
I want to tell her that I’m all in and only want to know more of her, but I’m afraid to say too much and scare her off. She’s concerned about her job. Don’t people meet and fall in love at their jobs all the time? Look at Summer and Dash? It worked out for them.
I know she’s concerned about what she’s heard of me, too. Even though she’s said she is not one to listen to gossip and relies on personal communication, I’m sure in the back of her mind she’s wondering if I could ever get serious.
I don’t think it gets more serious than what I feel right now.
Yeah. I’m all in.
Walking into Mohagen’s, who has the best pizza in Candy Cane Key by far, I spot Dash and Jameson sitting in a booth.
“Gentlemen.” I slide in next to Jameson and wrap my arm around his neck pulling him in close. “Looking better and better every day, kid.”
He gives a shy smile, always so humble. “Thanks Mark. The whole team is coming together really well. Coach Karol thinks we’re going to go all the way. And Coach Gage said it will only improve my offers so I’m glad I stayed for another season.”
“Not as glad as your dad is.” Dash throws the paper from his straw he’s been playing with at me. “And not as glad as I am, I don’t want to see your old man crying all day long.” Jameson laughs and Dash grumbles, of course. “Gage thinks the Warriors will try to pick you up again?” Jackson Gage played for the Warriors and after taking Jameson under his wing, wants nothing more than to get the kid signed with the team he used to play with.
“Jackson thinks he’s got a good chance. When he told their head coach that Jameson was sticking around North Pole University for another season, they were impressed with his decision. It showed maturity that he was looking to grow in the game, and he wasn’t just after a contract.”
“Such a smart, young man.” I razz him again.
“Hm, unlike some others we know.”
“Dash, man, don’t talk bad about yourself. We’re all glad you finally pulled your contacts out of your ass.” I smirk at him as he narrows his colorful eyes at me. “Can we order now? I’m starving.” I know exactly what he’s getting at and I’m not sure I’m ready to admit anything to my friend yet. I’ve only just admitted it to myself.
“We already placed an order. You’ll eat what’s put in front of you. Now talk.”
I know my best friend is a grouch. He’s a giant pain in the ass all the time, but him using this tone on me right now? Means he knows something.
“We saw you two at the game the other day. And then your show with her at JB’s? Bro, don’t fuck with this girl. I’m telling you. She’s not one to be played with. Summer is very protective of her, I’m not sure why, but just the fact my girl is concerned for her is enough for me.”
Jameson is watching with wide eyes. I give him a side glance. “You better remain celibate for life, Jame.” I tease him and Dash smacks the table.
“Bro, what is the deal? Why are you coming at me right now?”
“Because I’m worried about you!”
“Worried about what, Dash?” I eye him. There’s something more here. “If you know something, you need to tell me.”
He looks down and I know. “I know nothing.”
“Hey! For our starting QB!” Roman, the owner of Mohagen’s, places a pineapple and sausage pie in front of us and another waitress follows with some garlic bread and mozzarella sticks. “On the house, fellas, here’s to a great season!”
We thank him profusely, and he waves us off as we dig in. I’m eyeing Dash, who won’t look at me. “Listen, I like her, okay? No pickup lines, no bullshit flirting. My show” I use finger quotes, “at JB’s wasn’t a show. I really do like her, Dash.”
Dash sighs and leans back in the booth. “I did notice the difference in you. As soon as she walked in, I saw there was something between you two. How’d you go from ‘why choose’ to choose only her in a matter of weeks?”
“Guess I’m just smarter than you. When you know, you know.” I smirk as he flips me off. But saying that out loud? Yes I thought it earlier, I’ve been rehashing whether we would work or not in my head for the last few days. But now I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life even with Dash’s lingering warning in the back of my head.
Days later, I can still feel Mark. He thoroughly broke me in good. I’ll admit it. But it’s not just his skills in bed. It’s his words. The way he looks at me like I’m the only one around. He is not what the town claims.