Page 2 of On the Dean's Naughty List
“Hm, and what a set they are.”
That earns me another middle finger. Dash has heterochromia, and it’s fucking cool if you ask me. He was sensitive about his eye color when he arrived here, so he tried to cover it up with contacts, but my girl Summer helped him show his true self. She made him toss those contacts and dark sunglasses.
“Come on, we’ll get to the field on time if we start working now.”
A few hours later we’re closing down shop and walking the hallways to the football tunnel. I love football season and being a part of this town just makes it even better. I moved here three years ago. Coming from the big city, I didn’t think I’d be able to fall into a small-town place, but it’s actually been a simple change.
Except for that one time I almost got fired for flirting with my boss’ wife. Christmas in July is a big event here in town and I was excited to be a part of it. But it quickly went downhill when I was accused of something that wasn’t really happening. I thought the festival would be a great opportunity to meet my new colleagues and maybe score a date. Instead, it almost cost me my job. How was I supposed to know the woman I was flirting with, was the Dean’s wife? The Dean, as in my boss at the University. No one here knew me, or my personality or that I was just trying to help the woman out of a strange situation. What can I say? I’m a friendly guy. I love women. They love me. It’s not my fault I’m pretty.
It’s not.
It’s my momma’s for making me so handsome.
Insert cheesy grin with a dimple that pops, here.
We see the players filing out and running for the field. Jameson is pulling up the end.
“Hey! Oh!”
Jameson pauses and looks back. I can see that smile even with his helmet on as he notices his father. I love the relationship these two have. It makes me dream about having a son, too. Of course, that would mean I’d have to pick just one woman and right now? Why choose?
He jogs to us, gives his father a hug, lifting him off the ground.
“Take it easy on your old man, Jame. He’s not as spry as he used to be.”
“Man, get the fuck outta here. I’m in the best shape of my life.”
“A good woman will do that to you.”
Dash and I freeze in our spots eyeing Jameson, and he busts out laughing. “What? I’m a romantic. Don’t look at me like that.”
I shake my head. “Jesus, her sunshine ways are blinding your son, man.”
Dash gives him a back slap and pushes him along. “Get on the field. You’ve got a game to win, kid.”
“Love you!” Jameson yells as he takes off running to the field.
“He is something else.”
“Don’t I know it?”
We walk to the field, surveying the team and sizing up the opposing team.
A yell of “On my count! 6, 7, 8!” spins me to the cheerleaders that are training on the field. Before you get all ‘yuk, Mark, they’re too young for you’, I’m not looking at them like that. My sister was a high school cheerleader and then on the competition team in college. She made her dream come true and became an NFL professional cheerleader for three years. I’d complain when my parents used to make me go to all her rallies, but I was happy to support her. I’ll admit though, being able to go to the NFL games made up for all the high school ones.
So, it’s ingrained in me to watch when I hear the count go off.
What isn’t ingrained in me is the sensation I get at seeing who’s coaching them.
“It’s her.” I breathe out in fascination.
“The woman from Tranquili-Tea.”
“Mac! Yes! Wait. You know her?”