Page 69 of Soup Sandwich
“Your granddaughter?” the judge blurts out incredulously.
“Yes.” Octavia beams a smile that could melt the polar ice caps. “Layla Fritz is my granddaughter and Callan Barrows is her wonderful man.”
I think I just died. Can a person die of gratitude? Behind me, my friends are shifting around, murmuring things I can’t hear to each other. All except for Fallon, who says “Brilliant.”
Octavia didn’t even mention engagement, which, as Fallon just said, is brilliant on her part. She didn’t have to lie that way. She called me Layla’s man and that’s more than enough.
Layla takes my hand and I squeeze the hell out of hers, my head bouncing in her direction as I search her eyes. “Did you know?” I mouth at her, and she shakes her head as she chews on her bottom lip, smiling like the devil.
The Honorable Fredrick Clutchfield blinks at Octavia, and then blinks at me, and then Layla before returning his bewildered gaze back to Octavia, Stella, and Amelia. Wheels start visibly clicking into place, and he grabs a piece of paper he had previously discarded and then reads it again. He must not have caught Layla’s last name when he quickly glanced over the pages since we only added it to the documents this morning when we modified it to say that my living arrangement had changed.
Octavia Abbot-Fritz might have just won this for me.
“Holy fuck.” That’s Asher and I totally and completely agree with him on that.
Octavia, Stella, and Amelia all come over to us, and Stella stares me down only to say, “I haven’t decided if I like you yet or not.”
I give Stella a hug even though I’ve only met her a couple of times in the past at Abbot Foundation events. “I get that. But I’m the guy who wins everyone over in the end.”
“You’re banking pretty hard on that one, aren’t you?”
I shrug. “Only if I have to.”
Stella gives me a wry grin and then takes a seat, giving way for Amelia to come at me. She gives me a squeeze and whispers, “You’ll get your girl now for sure.” I squeeze her back, thanking her in so many ways. I think she’s a large part of why Layla said yes.
“Hello, dear. Smile. It always helps.” Octavia pats my cheek and then kisses it, wiping away her lipstick smear. I catch her hand before she gets away, words failing me as I look at the woman before me. A woman who—much like Stella—I’ve only met a few times at one of her Abbot Foundation balls. Her green eyes hold mine, and then it’s as if some realization hits her and they light up from within, and then she states, “My instincts are never wrong.”
I shake my head at a loss as to her meaning, but then she goes for Layla and the two have a moment.
“Your Honor?” Willow’s parents’ attorney cuts into the lovefest. “I realize Dr. Barrows has a long list of wealthy celebrity friends, but I don’t feel as though that should be a consideration in this case. My clients are poor and just trying to do what’s right by their granddaughter.”
The judge holds his hand up, silencing the attorney.
“I have a few questions for both sides before I make my verdict.” He sits up straighter, rubbing at his bald head. “Mr. Salucci, if your clients are named either fiduciary and/or legal guardians of Katy Barrows, what do they intend to do with the proceeds from the sale of Mr. and Mrs. Barrows’ house as well as the life insurance policy, all in the name of Katy Barrows?”
Mr. Salucci places his hands on the wooden table before him. “They intend to use that money to help raise Miss Barrows, giving her everything a child would need to grow and thrive into adulthood.”
The judge nods his head and then turns expectantly to me. “And you, Dr. Barrows. What do you intend to do with that money?”
Tom puts his hand on my arm, stopping me before I speak. “My client’s plan is to take that money and put it into a trust for Miss Barrows so her future will always be secure. Dr. Barrows does not need nor has any intention of using that money for himself or to help raise Miss Barrows.”
The judge turns back to the other attorney. “Mr. Salucci, in reviewing the documents provided by your clients, it appears they reside in a one-bedroom mobile home, and neither is currently employed. Is this correct?”
Mr. Salucci shifts though you can tell he did not want that question. “Yes, Your Honor. At present, that is correct, though my clients intend to move into a larger home in a better school district upon receiving the proceeds from the sale of Mr. and Mrs. Barrow’s home. This would be solely to accommodate Miss Barrows if she were to live with them or come for regular visits.”
“I see.” The judge reads something over on one of the documents and then peers at me and the group of billionaires and celebrities surrounding me. “And, Dr. Barrows, will you have any need to move residences?”
“No, Your Honor,” Tom answers for me. “Dr. Barrows lives in a great neighborhood in Beacon Hill and already has a private room fully decorated for Miss Barrows in place. He also lives within ten minutes of the private school she attended last year, so she won’t have to change schools.”
“I see. And Dr. Barrows, are you able to explain what happened with Miss Barrows last Thursday?”
Tom proceeds to explain everything that is already reported in the court documents but adds that Katy was searching for Miss Fritz as the two of them have become quite close, and Katy was upset about how she had been teased by that same little shit about being an orphan. Again. Tom continues with how Layla has been able to provide immense comfort and empathy for Katy with this.
The judge examines Layla for a very long moment and then turns back to Tom. “Dr. Barrows is engaged to Miss Fritz? This was not mentioned in the prior document. Only that Dr. Barrows was unmarried. Am I understanding this correctly?” The judge presses. “There are two adults now living within this household and Miss Barrows feels a kinship with Miss Fritz?”
I tense, and so does Layla, and the room grows uncomfortably silent, though I know much of that is in my head.
Tom doesn’t so much as shift or blink. “Yes, Your Honor. In the previous documents, it was not necessary to present Miss Fritz as there were no challenges to Dr. Barrows’ legal guardianship of Miss Barrows. At present, Miss Fritz is living in the same household as Dr. Barrows, and Miss Barrows and Miss Fritz are extremely close.”