Page 63 of Soup Sandwich
All I can do is stare.
In my head, she asks,are you naked under your towel? And I reply with something somewhat clever like,if you care to find out, I can drop it right now. Only my life isn’t nearly that cool despite my former rock star glory. Which is why she appears a bit shell-shocked and a little disoriented and mumbles out something along the lines of she’ll get what she needs to change in the other bathroom.
She goes for the closet and misses and walks into the wall and I’m furious the towel didn’t drop when she did that, but I can’t even ask if she’s okay. Because all I can say is, “Or you can get dressed in here.”
I don’t know. That just came out. But… “You can change in here. You know, since this will be your bedroom for a while.”
She tilts her head, squinting at me. “Where will you get dressed?”
Solid question. “The bathroom?” It comes out as a question.
“Oh. Um. You’re sure?”
“No. I mean, yes. I’m sure.”
She smirks. I grin. We stare. My stare starts to drift because of all her aforementioned sexiness. Her gaze starts to drift and catches on my hardening cock because coming with my hand isn’t nearly as enticing as what she has to offer.
“You should go in there then.”
“Uh-huh. Wait. Where?”
Her eyes are laughing at me now along with her lips that are quirked up. “In the bathroom. You should grab your clothes so you can get dressed in there.”
“I should. But I’m having a hell of a time forcing my legs to move or my eyes to leave what they’re very happy staring at.”
“Maybe we should add no flirting or staring? You said looking is fine, but I can tell you, looking is so not fine with all the ways my mind is going.”
She could be right on with that. Because I’m a half-second from ripping the towel from her body.
Before I can answer the doorbell rings. “Shit. That’s Zax with your ring.”
“My ring?!” Her voice shoots up in alarm along with her eyebrows.
“Yes. It was Suzie’s. Or… was meant to be hers.” I scrub my hands up my face, blow out a fucked breath, and grab the first pair of boxer briefs, T-shirt, and shorts my hands land on. Then I’m running out the bedroom door, throwing on my clothes and tossing my towel in the direction of the laundry room before heading down the stairs, practically tripping and falling down them as I do.
I disarm the alarm and fling the door open only to step outside and crowd Zax on my front steps. He’s confused, but he quickly gets over it when I tell him, “I think I’m already in a lot of trouble.”
He laughs, his brown eyes flickering in the early morning light before his expression sobers. “Might be, by the look of you. Is that a possible outcome for you?
I give him my worst truth. “No.”
“All right. We can work with that. What’s your end goal?” he asks, righting his features and turning this into business, something he does exceptionally well as the CEO of Monroe Fashions.
His hands meet my shoulders. “How do you get Katy?”
“By convincing the courts I’m the best guardian for her.”
“And what will help sway them in your direction?”
I sigh in defeat. “Layla.”
He gives me anow you’re starting to get itlook and squeezes my shoulders. “So what can you not do?”
“Fuck her or fall in love with her.”