Page 32 of The Love Proposal
We can’t be doing this in public. So, the moment the bracelet is secured, I snatch my hand away, croaking a coarse, “Thanks.”
His gaze still consuming, Archie purrs back a, “You’re welcome.”
And his voice is alluring enough to send another shiver down my spine.
Thank goodness Tucker cuts into our covert seduction game, yelling, “All right, group one, those with a blue bracelet, please follow your guide inside.”
Half the people trail under the arch behind a tall, blonde lady with a pixie cut. When they’re gone, I do a quick scan of the remaining individuals, sighing in relief when I don’t recognize anyone except for Italian Guy and Tucker, who joins our duo, saying, “Now I understand why teachers back in high school hated bringing us kids on field trips. This is exhausting.”
Archie pats him on the shoulder. “You’re doing a brilliant job, man!”
Before Tucker can reply, a tall, lean woman with light-brown skin, a crown of black curls, and striking blue-green eyes joins us, asking, “How smashed are we going to get?”
Tucker shrugs. “I don’t know, howsmashedcan you get with four glasses of wine?”
The woman smiles. “On an empty stomach? Pretty damn smashed.”
Then she looks up at Archie, taking in his ice-blue eyes, chiseled face, and devil-may-care grin and… is she blushing?
She extends her hand. “I don’t believe we were properly introduced. I’m Penelope Jones.”
And, okay, I’ll admit that if I had feathers, now I’d be puffing them out while making scary, possessive squawking noises to intimidate a rival.
Archie shakes her hand with a noncommittal, “Archibald Hill.”
Then the woman turns to me, her smile equally bright. “Penelope, but everyone calls me Penny.”
I take her hand, my fighting instincts relaxing considerably. “Summer Knowles.”
“You’re the bride’s sister,” Penny says. “And sorry, everybody must make the same dull observation to you.”
Despite my ridiculous jealousy of a moment ago, I like this woman. “Yeah, I am, and, yes, everyone does, but it’s okay.”
Penny returns her attention to Tucker. “How long before they bring out the booze?”
“The tour is supposed to last seventy-five minutes, so I guess at least half an hour to forty-five minutes will be taken up by the winery and cellar visit.”
Penny grimaces. “What a bore.”
Tucker bristles. “If you just wanted to drink wine, you could’ve gone to a bar.”
Penny bristles right back. “No, I couldn’t have. Since you couldn’t spare five minutes to talk to me earlier, I had to chase you here.”
“Next time ask nicely,” Tucker says, and walks away toward a tall, portly man with white hair. Our tour guide, I presume.
The man claps his hands to attract everyone’s attention and instructs us to follow him through the arch into the winery.
Penny skips ahead to follow him, while I hold back and lean into Archie. “What’s their deal? Do they like each other?”
He shrugs. “Oh, definitely. I bet they’re going to bang before the week is over.”
I roll my eyes. “Romantic much, are we?”
Archie grabs my hand and pulls me forward. “Come on, let’s go enjoy the tour.”
But I yank my hand free, hissing, “No overt touching.”
Archie throws me a devilish side-stare that promises retaliation. “If those are the rules.”