Page 24 of The Love Proposal
“Very well,” our instructor says, smiling at us. “Let’s all pair off.” She wiggles a finger between Archie and me.
Oh gosh, what did I say yes to? This is about to turn into the yoga session from hell.
“As I was saying,” Miranda continues. “Acro Yoga is not a discipline for everybody, but I practice it often and teach it as well, and it has helped me detox a little from our lives spent holding devices. Acro is as much about the physical and platonic touch. It’s a group activity that builds a sense of community, as we have to hold hands with strangers and trust them. In short, I love it, and I always try to promote its practice and encourage my students to try it out.” Miranda smiles enthusiastically. “But beware, it can be addictive. Ready?”
The class yells a widespread, “Yeah!”
“Let’s do it.” She claps her hands once. “Today, I’ll walk you through a few basic exercises that I hope won’t be too challenging for anyone.” She gives us another encouraging smile. “So, let’s start with the very basics. To practice Acro Yoga, you need one person to play the role of base and one to be the flyer. Usually, the stronger, heavier person is the base.”
Archie and I stare at each other, silently agreeing he’s going to be the base.
“I’ll circle to correct your posture and to make sure everyone’s safe,” Miranda carries on. “We’re going to start our beginners’ sequence with a plank on plank pose to help build core strength and learn how to support a partner. If you’re the base, take plank pose with your hands shoulder-width apart, arms straight, core engaged.”
Everyone designated as the base—all the men in the class and two women, we’re five couples in total—assume the position.
“Very well,” Miranda says. “Now, flyers, facing your base’s feet, place your hands on their ankles, press down with straight arms, and place your left foot on their distant shoulder. Once you feel secure, place your other foot on their near shoulder and hold steady.”
I grab Archie’s ankles and follow the instructions. This isn’t too bad; I’m looking at his heels and he’s looking at the floor. The touch of my hands on his ankles is still a bit electrified. But there isn’t much contact, platonicorphysical.
So far, so good.
After thirty seconds—more than enough in plank—Miranda calls the pose off. “Okay, class, that was fantastic. Now let’s try another pose that’s amazing to build trust between partners, and to teach the bases how to support their flyers. This one’s called plank press. Bases, please lie on your backs facing your flyers, knees bent, feet flat on the ground.”
Archie turns on the mat and lies down, looking up at me. He’s keeping a straight face, but his eyes are filled with mischief. I take a deep breath and wait for the rest of the instructions. I fear this pose won’t be as easy-peasy lemon squeezy.
“Flyers, place your feet in between your partner’s. Perfect.” The instructor takes a quick look around the class and motions for me to advance a little. “Don’t be afraid to really get in there.”
I take another step forward, and Archie winks at me, causing a small butterfly explosion in my stomach.
“Now, bases,” Miranda continues. “Set your feet hip-width apart on your flyers hips.”
The contact is innocent but intimate. My hip bones are tingling. I didn’t even know that was possible. And there he is with that intense eye contact again. He’s not even touching me properly, yet I can feel the pressure of his feet through the thin layers of fabric on my leggings and it sends a wave of warmth throughout my body. If we were alone instead of in the middle of a group yoga session, by now I would’ve already leaned in and kissed him senseless. But we’re not alone, and I can’t lose focus.
Thankfully Archie doesn’t move, mirroring Miranda’s instructions for our mindfulness journey.
Being still helps.
The piercing light-blue eyes don’t.
“Flyers, open your arms in a T shape and keep your bodies straight while maintaining a strong core. Bases, bend your knees toward your chest and receive your flyer’s weight and then push back slowly. Flyers, plant your feet on the floor and trust your weight to the base. Try several times, each time coming in deeper.”
Archie’s lips curl at the corners, and his eyes burn into mine. Has yoga always been riddled with double entendres, or is it just this man that can make everything seem dirty, hot, sexual, and why aren’t we in his bed right now? Maybe having morning sex is how I should’ve started the day, because this sure as hell seems like an extended foreplay session and I’ve no idea how long I’ll have to wait before my next Archie fix.
Oh, gosh, what is wrong with me? One night with the guy and I’m already talking like an addict. Why can’t I just be with a man and not care? Alarm bells sound in my head but I drive them away. I don’t care about him. It’s just the great physical connection we experienced last night after a year without a man’s touch that’s throwing me off. It’ll wear off once I get my fill, right?
“Fantastic, class.” Miranda claps, distracting me from my reverie. “Let’s try out one last pose.”
Thank goodness this will be over soon.
“This one is called the base test. And it’s a very beneficial pose to help the base practice staying stable while the flyer lifts off. We’re all good so far?”
The class cheers with varying levels of enthusiasm, prompting Miranda to keep going.
“Great. So, bases. Stay on your backs and lift your legs ninety degrees in an L shape, stacking your feet over your hips for stability.” She waits for everyone on the floor to comply with the instructions, and then continues, “Now, flyers. Cross your forearms and settle your elbows in the middle of your partner’s soles.”
Once we’re all in position, Miranda delivers the final stroke. “Now, make eye contact with your base to establish trust.”
I lower my gaze to Archie’s face, and a wave of heat slams into me. This is ridiculous. We’ve had sex, for heaven’s sake. And this pose is chaste in comparison to what we did last night. But the eye contact is intense. His eyes are so blue, so penetrating. I feel like they can read my soul’s deepest secrets.